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New book: Gender and Sexuality in the European Media. Exploring Different Contexts Through Conceptualisations of Age

20.05.2021 12:33 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

ECREA is pleased to announce the publication of the new book from the Routledge Studies in European Communication Research and Education Series. The edited collection Gender and Sexuality in the European Media. Exploring Different Contexts Through Conceptualisations of Age brings together original empirical and theoretical insights into the complex set of relations which exist between age, gender, sexualities and the media in Europe.

The book was edited by Cosimo Marco Scarcelli, Despina Chronaki, Sara De Vuyst, Sergio Villanueva Baselga.

Read more HERE.

Purchase the book HERE.

Don´t forget that members can buy the books from the series (and other Routledge books in the field of media and communication studies) with a 20% discount by using the code available on ECREA intranet under ‘member-only offers’.

Routledge Studies in European Communication Research and Education Series provides a diverse overview of the collaborative work of ECREA members and groups, showcasing diversity of topics and areas within the field of contemporary media and communication research.



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