Dear ECREA Members,
the General Assembly of ECREA will convene at the 8th European Communication Conference to be held virtually during the forthcoming conference. The General Assembly will take place on 9 September 2021, 1.30 to 3 PM. The link to the General Assembly will be distributed to all ECREA members in due time.
Use this link to join the General Assembly:
1. ECREA Executive Board Report on state of association and activities 2018-21
2. The minutes of the previous General Assembly (7-11 June 2021) – online voting
3. Dissolution of the existing ECREA Executive Board – online voting
4. Brief reports on the Section, TWG and Network elections
5. ECREA Executive Board Elections: announcement of the results of the online elections of the new board (closed before opening of the General Assembly)
6. Any other business
We would like to invite all ECREA members to participate at ECREA General Assembly. Participation at the General Assembly will be open to all ECREA members, notwithstanding if the person is registered for the conference or not.
Types and methods of voting
There will be two important opportunities to vote during the ECC 2021: ECREA Executive Board Elections and voting on General Assembly items (S/N/TWG elections excluded). All ECREA members eligible to vote will receive comprehensive information and links for both votes in due time. Both votes will be open to all eligible ECREA members irrespective of whether the member is registered for the conference or not.
Who can vote?
Following our Statutes (see: each individual member has one vote, and each coordinator of an institutional member has one vote that counts for five votes.
If you are an institutional coordinator, you should reach out to the members covered by your institutional membership and coordinate with them.
If you are an ECREA member through an institutional membership and you are not the institutional coordinator, you cannot vote, but need to communicate with your institutional coordinator. If you do not know who your institutional coordinator is, please ask Irena Reifová, the General Secretary of ECREA (
The quorum
Please note that the ECREA Statutes (art. 10a) stipulates that “the General Assembly votes and elects by a simple majority of those present and represented. In the case of a tie, the vote of the President or of the Board member replacing the President will be decisive.”