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University of Groningen Virtual Research Colloquium: Arts, Medium and Moving Images

10.02.2021 20:32 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

February - June, 2021

Online event

The ICOG theme group Arts, Medium and Moving Images at the University of Groningen concentrates on the production, aesthetics, reception and impact of film and other contemporary audiovisual screen media. Our focus is on the philosophical, cognitive and phenomenological relation between audiovisual art and its audience; social, technological and artistic developments in the field; historiographical, epistemological and ontological questions regarding media objects and practices; and the mediality and materiality of artworks. The theme group organizes multiple lectures every semester for the academic community in Groningen and beyond. Lecturers include both local and international scholars from the field of Film and Media Studies.

Spring 2021 lineup (all times in CET):

  • Thursday, February 18, 18–20h

Justin Remes (Iowa State University)

Nothing to See Here: Antiretinal Aesthetics in Louise Lawler’s A Movie Will Be Shown Without the Picture

  • Thursday, March 11, 17–19h

Jaap Verheul (King's College London/University of Groningen)

The Cultural Life of James Bond: Specters of 007

  • Tuesday, April 20, 19–21h

Vivian Sobchack (University of California, Los Angeles)


  • Monday, May 10, 17–19h

Kevin B. Lee (Merz Akademie)

The Future of Videographic Criticism

  • Monday, June 7, 17–19h

Julian Hanich (University of Groningen)

On Varieties of Beauty in Film

The research colloquium will take place online via Zoom. For more information on the lectures and registration, please visit:



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