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Postgraduate Workshop on Periodical Research Methods, European Society for Periodicals Research (ESPRit)

23.02.2023 22:07 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

June 27-29, 2023

Leeds School of Arts, Leeds Beckett University, UK 

Application Deadline: 28 February 2023 

Postgraduate students working on any topic concerning newspapers, zines, magazines and other periodicals from any historical period, geographical origin, and cultural context are invited to a training workshop linked to the ESPRit 11th conference on 27th June 2023 in Leeds, UK. Registration for participants is free and includes attendance at a professional workshop and the main conference (28-29 June). 

To apply, please send the following: 

1. A short abstract (approx. 250 words) for a 10-minute presentation. We request that candidates propose a methodological approach or ask a methodology question relating to their research on periodicals. 

2. A page-long summary of the thesis, including title, supervisor, affiliation, year of forthcoming or recently completed PhD. 

3. A page-long academic CV (including studies, interests, and possible distinctions and publications). 

Please send the above as one attachment (word or pdf) to with the Subject: ESPRit Postgraduate Workshop, no later than 28 February 2023. 

Please note that texts of presentations will be circulated one month in advance of the PGR Workshop. 

We look forward to welcoming you to Leeds! 

The ESPRit 2023 Selection committee 

Laurel Brake, Fabio Guidali, Evanghelia Stead (ESPRit) and Andrew Hobbs (ESPRit 2023)

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