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Ownership and regulation of news media and digital platforms in Europe

02.03.2023 21:17 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Nordicom Review Special Issue

Deadline: May 2, 2023

Find the full call on Nordicom’s website:

The question of ownership has always been central in studies of news media and power. Today, this question is more important than ever, as witnessed by the focus on media ownership in the 2022 European Commission Media Freedom Act, as well as the rise and growing centrality of digital platforms that greatly influence both news media and journalism. 

With this special issue of Nordicom Review, the editors invite scholars to submit articles with a focus on the ownership and regulation of news media and digital platforms in Europe. 


Mark Blach-Ørsten (Roskilde University)

Tobias Lindberg (Nordicom, University of Gothenburg)

Helle Sjøvaag (University of Stavanger)

Josef Trappel (University of Salzburg)


Tobias Lindberg, 

Important dates:

Deadline for extended abstracts: 2 May 2023

Invitations to submit full paper sent: 15 May 2023

Deadline for full submissions: 2 October 2023

Peer review (including revisions): November 2023–January 2024

Expected publication: Spring 2024


Those with an interest in contributing should write an extended abstract (max. 750 words) where the main theme (or argument) of the intended article is described. The abstract should contain the preliminary title and five keywords. How the article fits with the overall aim of the issue should be mentioned.

Send your extended abstract by 2 May 2023 to Tobias Lindberg:

All of Nordicom’s publications are published without publication fees or article processing charges (APC).



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