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Changing Media Landscapes: Convergence and Fragmentation

22.03.2023 13:38 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

October 28-30, 2023

Kuwait University, Kuwait

Deadline: May 15, 2023

The Twenty Seventh Annual Conference of the Arab-US Association for Communication Educators Kuwait University

Media platforms have developed at an unprecedented rate recently, disrupting traditional models for publishing, broadcasting, and advertising and creating a need for identifying new models. As media become more fragmented and at the same time converge, implications can be seen across several different areas, such as the way people access media, how media are marketed, and how the media industry is changing.

The main objectives of this conference are to discuss, analyze, and critique topics related to those phenomena and to contribute to the academic debate about new media models and theory. The subjects and themes covered in the conference will include, without being limited to:

• History of media fragmentation and convergence in media landscape

• Digital and social media fragmentation and convergence in media landscape

• Changes in media theories and research in a fragmented and converged media landscape

• New media for media education in a fragmented and converged media landscape

• Effects of media convergence and fragmentation in media landscape

• Corporate and strategic communication and their relationships with media convergence and fragmentation in media landscape

• Agenda setting effects of influencers in media landscape

• Effects of media fragmentation and convergence on consumers in media landscape

• Fragmentation and convergence of journalism in media landscape

• Health and emergency communication in a fragmented and converged media landscape

Site: Kuwait University, Kuwait

Date: 28-30 October 2023

Languages of the conference: Arabic and English Registration fees: $150

Hotels: To be announced later

Important deadline dates:

• May 15th: Submission of abstract

• June 15th: Response to abstracts

• August 15th: Submission of registration forms and fee payments

• Sept. 1st: Submission of full paper

Consequently, the consumers of media messages have changed their usual patterns of consumption. The phenomena of digitization, media convergence, media fragmentation, and consumption of media and user-generated content set the agenda of interests and concerns for educators, scholars, and practitioners.

• Sept. 20th: Dissemination of final conference program


Send abstracts and questions to Dr. Yousef AlFailakawi, President of AUSACE




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