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Media and the Challenges of Modern Society 2023

11.05.2023 08:21 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

2nd June 2023

Niš, Republic of Serbia

Deadline: May 20, 2023

The third international scientific conference

The Communication and Journalism Department invites you to the international scientific conference “Media and the Challenges of Modern Society in 2023”, which will take place this year on June 2 in a hybrid format (online and live). We are honored to have an opening Keynote Speaker at our conference, Max Ryynänen, Principal University Lecturer, Theory of Visual Culture, University of Aalto, Finland. The title of his virtual presentation is "Seeing With The Body, Hearing With The Body: Notes on the Somaesthetics of Media". 

We are observing the rapid advancement of synthetic media and artificial intelligence, as well as their misuse, such as the addition of desired audio and video to celebrities, the possibility of posthumous voting, the use of artificial intelligence for profit, the escalation of fake news, the influence on voters in elections, etc. All of this raises concerns about privacy and respect. In the domain of media, including media creation, ownership, licensing, and verification, significant change is anticipated. Recently, a petition asking for a six-month pause in artificial intelligence development was signed by 100 international scholars. “Major risks for humanity” are mentioned in that appeal. A more potent technology than ChatGPT-4, which was introduced in mid-March, is mentioned in the plea, and the worry that emerges is the proliferation of fake news, the automation of jobs, and the evolution of intelligence superior to that of humans.

 The organizers of this conference hope to bring together experts in the fields of communication, culture, and related fields to share their expertise and experience. The conference's main themes this year are the difficulties that society and the media face in the age of digital technologies, and they are as follows:

  • Artificial intelligence and media
  • Synthetic media and their misuse
  • Use of artificial intelligence in propaganda
  • Traditional media in the age of digital technologies
  • Digital and media literacy
  • Media and privacy
  • Public service media
  • Legal regulation of the media
  • Media ethics in the digital environment
  • Philosophy and media
  • Popular culture and aesthetics
  • Social media, digital platforms and media

The working languages at the conference are Serbian and English.


Application that should contain the following information:

  • Name(s) and surname(s) of author(s)
  • Affiliation
  • The first author’s email address
  • title of the paper
  • abstract (250 words maximum)
  • key words (5 maximum)

send to the email address:

The application can be submitted by 20th May /2023. On May 25, 2023, submissions that have arrived by the specified deadline will all receive feedback regarding their participation.

Paper publishing

Papers with positive evaluations will be included in a 2023 edition of the journal “Media Studies and Applied Ethics”, issued by the Faculty of Philosophy Niš. The journal is on the list of categorized journals of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, and is indexed in ERIH PLUS. English-language papers must be submitted by August 15th 2023.

Instructions for writing these papers are available at the following link:

Registration fee

For participation in the conference, there is a registration fee of 6000 RSD/50 EUR. Registration fees in dinars should be transferred to the giro account of the Faculty of Philosophy in Niš 840-1818666-89, call number 74212142. Instructions for payments in euros are attached. A dinner will be organized as part of the conference. It is optional and the price for the dinner is 3000 RSD/25 EUR.

When registering, please make sure to let us know whether you are interested in the dinner as well. 

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need additional details: 

Department of Communication and Journalism        

Faculty of Philosophy in Niš                                                    

Ćirila i Metodija 2, 18000 Niš, Republic of Serbia 



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