European Communication Research
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Call for Papers and Proposals: Review of Communication Research

07.03.2019 11:55 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Review of Communication Research ( is an open-access academic journal specialized in publishing literature reviews and meta-analysis for the communication field of study. Our policy is to publish articles of the highest quality, and at the same time, we commit with our authors. For example, we do not reject a draft in the first round, and we keep working with authors to make the article publishable if we believe that the paper will help the advancement of the field.

Articles are published online as soon as accepted and listed in Scopus and Web of Science, among other databases. The articles are highly cited (e.g., average citation per item in WoS = 7.2; Scopus CiteScoreTracker 2018 = 3.0).

We are now interested in increasing the number of published papers per year. Therefore, we are inviting proposals and manuscripts in any communication subfield. We are especially interested in articles that may be of relevance to a wide audience from all over the world (i.e., not local themes.)

If you would like to submit a manuscript for publication in RCR, register and upload a draft in our journal management system (; if you have a proposal, download the form (, fill it, and send it to the editor ( Send your proposal or manuscript as soon as possible, during March or April.

For more information, please contact: Dr. Giorgio De Marchis, Universidad Complutense de Madrid,



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