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MeCCSA Local and Community Media Network: Panel Proposal Current Trends in Local News, International Perspective

26.12.2019 20:27 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

ECREA European Communication Conference 2020

October 2-5, 2020

Braga, Portugal

Deadline: January 7, 2020

The Local and Community Media Network is calling for proposals for a panel submission to the 8th European Communication Conference on the theme of ‘Communication and trust; building safe, sustainable and promising futures’ to be held in Braga, Portugal, October 2 - 5 2020.

Focussing specifically on ‘Trust and sustainable communities: Current Trends in Local Media’, the panel would like to capture the range of approaches which underpin the many interventions in the local news landscape globally. Up to five papers can be included.

Papers which address both practice-based projects and theoretical reflections on local media, content, production and environment (including business and policy environments) and cultural and social contexts in relation to diverse communities are particularly welcome.

In order to comply with the ECREA guidelines, individual abstracts of 500 words can be submitted. Abstract titles are limited to 30 words. All abstracts must be written in English and up to 10 authors can be included. The presenting author must be listed first and only one author can be nominated as the presenting author.

Please send your abstract in the first instance to Dr Rachel Matthews at Coventry University, The deadline for submission has been extended slightly to January 7, 2020, This will enable the Network Committee to peer review contributions ahead of the ECREA deadline in mid-January.

The October conference is organised by the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) and the University of Minho. For more information follow the link here:

Information on the MeCCSA LCM Network is available here:



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