European Communication Research
and Education Association

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  • 21.10.2020 14:06 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    December 3, 2020

    Virtual Conference

    The use of automation in journalism is encroaching more and more on what many would consider to be journalists’ core professional roles, such as the identification of story leads, verification, and decisions about which stories are shown, and with what prominence. Automation has also started to play a role in the creation of news texts, initially by helping to generate natural language—the written word—but now also in the production of news videos.

    The proportion of consumers who watch online news videos each week has increased substantially—from 24% in 2016 to 67% in 2020 (Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism / Digital News Report 2020). Over the same period, there has been an increase in the use of automation in news video production.

    This online event brings together researchers (including Irene Costera Meijer, Nick Diakopoulos, Michael Koliska, Sally Stares, Kim Schrøder, and Neil Thurman) technology-providers (Wibbitz), and publishers (PA Media, Deutsche Welle, and Conde Nast) to explore what audiences want from online news video, and whether automation can help deliver.

    For registration, conference program and the full list of speakers, please visit the event website:

    We look forward to welcoming you to the virtual conference.

    Best wishes

    Prof. Dr. Neil Thurman, LMU Munich, Department of Media and Communication

    Organizing Team & Support:

    • Sina Thäsler-Kordonouri
    • Florian Stalph
    • Bartosz Wilczek
  • 21.10.2020 14:01 | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    UAntwerp is opening two PhD Positions for Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN Early Stage Researcher (ESR) at the‘Network for Training on Hate’ (NETHATE) to be funded by the Horizon 2020 Programme.

    Deadline for application is 22 November 2020 at 23:00 CET (Brussels time).

    The vision for NETHATE is to examine the dynamics of the spread of hatred in society, including online fora, as well as mitigation and reconciliation strategies, and the impact on victims and bystanders.

    PROJECT 1: Helping victims of online sexual harassment through online reporting and supporting systems

    To investigate how reports about online sexual harassment can be dealt with by Social Networking Sites in an efficient, desirable and effective way. This will also include investigating whether and how interface design features can be used to support victims, for instance, by exposing them to narratives (i.e. stories) of fellow victims who coped successfully with the distressing events related to online sexual harassment.

    More information:

    PROJECT 2: Countering online hate-speech through technological interventions

    Development and testing of prototypes of technological interventions to prevent or counter online hate speech based on current and newly acquired knowledge on motivations and contexts of online hate speech. Development of insights on user acceptance, user experience and efficacy of the (prototype) technological tools to prevent or counter online hate by means of a range of lab and field studies. Human Rights Analysis of the (prototype) technological tools.

    More information:

  • 15.10.2020 21:43 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    March 25-27, 2021

    Warsaw, Poland

    Deadline: November 1, 2020

    We would kindly like to remind you about the Call for Papers for the conference “Religious Identity and the Media. Methods, concepts, and new research avenues”, organized by the team of the DFG and NCN funded research project “Minorities and the media. The communicative construction of religious identity in times of deep mediatisation” (

    The conference theme discusses the manifold relationships between creating, negotiating, maintaining and challenging religious and religion-related identities, and various types of media and forms of media use.

    It will be hosted by the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. The keynote lectures will be held by Mia Lövheim (Uppsala University) and Christoph Günther (Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz).

    For the CALL FOR PAPERS see the attached file and/or visit the conference website:

    The deadline for paper proposals is November 1st, 2020.

    We are able to financially support two PhD students with the amount of up to 300€ for travel and accommodation costs. For more information on the travel allowance visit:

    We will continue to monitor the situation regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and we will comply with any relevant administrative regulations. We also consider hosting a partially or fully online conference if that is the best solution.

    Kind Regards from the organizing committee:

    Kerstin Radde-Antweiler, head of project (University of Bremen)

    Dorota Hall, head of project (Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences)

    Łukasz Fajfer, research associate (University of Bremen)

    Marta Kołodziejska, research associate (Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences)

    Carolin Müller, research assistant

  • 14.10.2020 09:22 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Istanbul University Press

    Chapter Proposals: December 1, 2020

    Chapter Drafts: June 1, 2021

    New Media / New Society? will focus effects of new media on social relations. This volume has a question: Can we describe our society as a new media society? It intends to open new discussions on new media and social relations. The volume interrogates the question of whether (or not), and to what extent, new media have spawned new varieties of social organization, new practices of social interaction and identity, and new structures of material or symbolic social relations. There have been so many claims regarding how postmodern/postindustrial media modalities are contributing to various iterations of utopian and anti-utopian futures, beyond those traditional views of Orwell, Huxley, Marx, and Weber, for example. In the past decades, we have heard academic claims about a variety of effects, for example, including (but not limited to) simulation, misinformation, balkanization, intersectionality, assemblages, affordances, liquification, disruption, fragmentization, saturation/distraction, propaganda, mediatization, culture wars, (de/post/neo)colonization, modes of signification, gamification, crowdsourcing, participatory media, hypertextualization, assimilation, chaos, spectacles, virtuality, augmented reality, digitization, disconnection, mass surveillance, and cyborgology. On the other hand, there have been so many descriptions of society, for example including (but not limited to) information society, post-emotional society, consumption society, network society, internet society, cyber society, new media society, post-modernism, post-humanism, the Anthropocene, and digital society.

    The volume New Media / New Society?  interrogates these claims from the perspective of the long view, meaning it looks at such changes over the last half-century (since 1970), and for the same period moving forward (until 2070). Also, there are methodological questions within sociology regarding the examination of new media forms and their relation to the social construction of reality. How media studies/social theory can explain the nature and nuance of new social relations under new media forms, if such new social realities exist?

    This volume will be an “agenda for new media and new society discussions,” in that it will clarify the effect of new media on social relations, including specific recommendations for action by researchers, policy makers, and the public. The volume will provide new topics for our projects and books.

    This work is tentatively to be published in electronic format by Istanbul University Press, an academic publisher at the Istanbul University, Turkey ( As a project in academic sociology, the volume will cover important national-level and international-level new media and society.

    We ask you, individually or with colleagues, to consider submitting a brief proposal (500 words max.) identifying a significant idea/trend from media studies/social theory, to include the following items:

    1.Clarify the emergence and development of one or more key concepts from media studies/social theory.

    2.Clarify key media technologies and techniques which are interwoven in such dynamics.

    3.Explore conceptual and/or empirical aspects of the concept and media practices over the last half century (since 1970).

    4.Take stock of the development at the present moment (year 2020).

    5.Offer insight into future directions foreseen for the next half century (until 2070).

    6.Assess whether (or to what extent) these new media dynamics have resulted in new social forms. That is, clarify if new media leads to new society or vice versa.

    We invite researchers to prepare draft statements for proposed contributions to this volume. Please submit a copy of your 1- to 2-page proposal via email to each of the editors by December 1, 2020. Final contributions will be limited to 5000 words maximum (or roughly twenty double-spaced manuscript pages). Chapter drafts will be due June 1, 2021, and final manuscripts will be due November 1, 2021. The e-volume is expected to launch in February 2021.

    Papers could address, but are not limited to, the following subjects:

    • Alienation
    • Authority
    • Communities
    • Crime, Violence
    • Drugs, Alcohol, Addictions
    • Economy, Work
    • Education
    • Environment, Technology
    • Ethics
    • Family, Marriage
    • Globalization
    • Health Care, Mental Health
    • Inequality, Poverty, Wealth
    • Law, Justice
    • Media, Communications
    • Methods
    • Modernity
    • Politics
    • Pop Culture, Sport, Leisure
    • Population, Migration
    • Privacy / Surveillance
    • Race, Ethnicity
    • Religion, Cultural Issues
    • Secularization
    • Social Conflict, Social Change
    • Social Movements
    • Social Welfare
    • Theoretical Perspectives
    • Urban Issues, Rural Issues
    • Youth, Aging, Life Course

    Important Dates

    • 5 October 2020: Call for Chapter Proposals Sent Out to Contributors for
    • Books.
    • 1 December 2020: Proposed Abstracts Due for Chapters.
    • 1 January 2021: Invitations to Contribute & Author Guidelines Distributed.
    • 1 June 2021: Full Manuscripts Due / Begin Review Process.
    • 1 September 2021: First Round of Reviews Completed / Revisions Start.
    • 1 November 2021: Revised Manuscripts Due.
    • 1 December 2021: Submission of Book to Publisher.
    • 1 February 2022: Publication


    Murat Şentürk, Istanbul University, Turkey,

    Massimo Ragnedda, Northumbria Universtiy, UK,

    Glenn W. Muschert, Khalifa University, UAE,

    Managing Editor

    Hamdüsena Eşrefoğlu, Istanbul University, Turkey,

  • 14.10.2020 09:13 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany

    The newly formed European Training Network (ETN) "G-VERSITY - Achieving Gender Diversity" will determine how significant background factors affect educational and professional pathways of women and men, including sexual and gender minorities, and produce scientifically based interventions for use in the workplace-including workshops, guidelines, and training materials, to be applied by employers to attain gender diversity.

    G-Versity will provide 15 PhD positions for international early career researchers who demonstrate a high motivation to do research on gender diversity and a strong desire to work in a trans-disciplinary research environment. Please check all formal eligibility criteria here:…tml

    Two of them are related to communication studies and will be located at Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany, supervised by Prof. Margreth Luenenborg and Prof. Carola Richter.

    Project 3: Acting out gender identity - Self-portrayal in digital media

    Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Carola Richter, Freie Universitaet Berlin/Germany…tml

    Social media are changing the techniques for the social and cultural construction of gender. Social media have transformed both the private discourses of adolescents with their peers and the presentation of adolescents' developing professional identities. The aims of this PhD project are to identify how adolescents communicate their gender and professional aspirations in digital media and to assess the relation between (de-)gendered self-portrayals in digital media and professional aspirations.

    We are looking for a highly motivated candidate with . a strong interest and relevant past experience in research on gender diversity and/or social media.

    • .a very good university master's degree in communication studies, media pedagogy or in a related discipline.
    • relevant empirical research experiences (e.g., setting up research designs, scientific writing skills, etc.). . very good methodological skills (e.g., social media data mining, content analysis).
    • .very good English skills. . ability to work independently and to collaborate in teams. . organizational talent and project management skills.

    Project 8: What's on TV? The role of gender and social status in media representation

    Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Margreth Luenenborg, Freie Universitaet Berlin/Germany…tml

    Media coverage strongly relies on gendered patterns of representation and addresses the audience with well-known stereotypes, contributing to gender-imbalanced representation of women and men in certain professions. The aims of this PhD project are to identify gendered forms of media representation depending on social status on public television and to assess differences in gendered media representations between privileged and disadvantaged social groups in public television.

    We are looking for a highly motivated candidate with . a strong interest and relevant past experience in research on gender diversity and media research.

    • a very good university master's degree in communication studies, journalism or in a related discipline of social sciences.
    • relevant empirical research experiences (e.g., setting up research designs , scientific writing skills, etc.). . very good methodological skills (e.g., content analysis, interviews, focus groups).
    • very good German skills, good English skills. . ability to work independently and to collaborate in teams. . organizational talent and project management skills.

    Doctoral positions in the network are still open until November 15, 2020. Submissions can be made through the website:…tml

    This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 953326.

  • 14.10.2020 09:06 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    University of Stirling

    Full time, Open ended

    The closing date for applications is midnight on Sunday 25 October 2020

    Interviews are expected to take place on Wednesday 4 November 2020

    Start date is expected to be on the 01February 2021, or by mutual arrangement

    The Post

    Communications, Media & Culture (CMC) wishes to appoint a suitably qualified and experienced Lecturer (Teaching & Research) with specialist interests in the Creative and Cultural Industries to expand the Division’s teaching, research and knowledge exchange partnerships with local, national and international organisations operating across the creative sector.

    The successful candidate will make a contribution to the strategic direction of CMC by contributing to research, teaching and impact activities, and developing and extending partnership opportunities. The successful candidate will have specialist knowledge and experience in the Cultural and Creative Industries and particular skills or interests in one or more of the following areas:

    • Creative enterprise and digital creative economies
    • Global creative and media industries
    • Creative -led economic, social and cultural regeneration
    • Skills, talent and (in)equalities in creative or digital work
    • Creative and digital economy policy and practice
    • Cultural policy and tourism / heritage
    • Digital creativity

    The successful candidate will foster existing and develop new relationships with academic, cultural and commercial institutions that will enhance CMC’s strategic partnerships. They will engage effectively with external stakeholders to pursue opportunities for collaboration, income generation and enhancing CMC’s regional, national, and international profile. They will have the ability to disseminate conceptual and complex ideas to a wide variety of audiences to promote understanding. They will have had some experience teaching and managing international students and will be prepared to travel internationally for short periods where required. They will also have the skills and know-how to contribute to the Division’s highly regarded postgraduate and undergraduate programmes, including the MSc Media Management, MSc Digital Media and Communication, BA Hons Digital Media as well as offering short-course and CPD training across creative and digital industries.

    Informal enquiries can be made to Dr William Dinan, Head of the Division of Communications, Media & Culture:

    Description of Duties

    • Engage in individual and collaborative research, which aligns to the strategic direction of the University, establish a distinctive programme of research and disseminate results through regular publication in high impact journals, books and conference proceedings and undertake knowledge exchange activities
    • Identify appropriate sources of funding for research, consultancy, and impact generating activity; prepare research proposals for funding bodies; project manage research activities, and manage grants awarded
    • Supervise and mentor research students and staff as required, providing direction, support and guidance
    • Design, deliver, assess and evaluate a range of teaching and learning, supervision and assessment activities across undergraduate and postgraduate programmes including online/digital programmes, where required
    • Contribute to curriculum review and enhancement, in a manner that supports a research-led approach to student learning and enhances student experience and employability
    • Participate in the Faculty’s local, national and international impact and engagement activities as required e.g. delivering teaching & CPD, contributing to joint programmes and recruitment of students. This is likely to require occasional short periods of international travel
    • Participate in, and develop, networks and collaborations both internally and externally to the Division/Faculty/University
    • Participate in the administrative processes of the Division/Faculty/University including committee membership, quality assurance procedures and recruitment and admission of students
    • Engage in continuing professional development activities as appropriate

    Any other duties, commensurate with the grade of the post

    Essential Criteria


    • PhD in relevant discipline or equivalent professional experience

    Knowledge, Skills & Experience

    • Established track record of high-quality published research in Cultural and Creative Industries
    • A record of involvement in applications for external funding for research and/or knowledge exchange projects
    • Experience of supervising dissertation projects across the range of undergraduate/ postgraduate and of supervising doctoral students
    • Experience of providing high quality teaching, including teaching innovation, across a range of programmes at undergraduate and postgraduate level preferably including online/digital/international programmes
    • Experience of designing and delivering course modules, developing effective learning environments, and approaches to enhance the student experience
    • Evidence of successful co-ordination, support, supervision, management and/or mentoring of others
    • Evidence of engaging in and developing external networks
    • Ability to disseminate conceptual and complex ideas to a wide variety of audiences to promote understanding

    Desirable Criteria


    • Higher Education teaching qualification or equivalent e.g. PGCert and/or holding an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HEA) and be working towards Fellowship

    Knowledge, Skills & Experience

    • Evidence of collaborative research/policy with other institutions and interdisciplinary work and/or partners in the Cultural or Creative Industries
    • Demonstrates a thorough understanding of effective approaches to teaching and learning support as a key contribution to high quality student learning
    • Evidence of programme innovation and development
    • Evidence or knowledge to support international and impact generating activities
    • Evidence or knowledge of the Higher Education context and regulatory framework
    • Experience of designing and delivering CPD and training across creative and digital industries
    • Evidence of successful incorporation of subject research within design and delivery of learning activities and programme development as part of an integrated approach to academic practice

    Behaviours and Competencies

    The role holder will be required to evidence that they can meet the qualities associated with the following behavioural competencies, as detailed within the AUA Competency Framework.

    • Managing self and personal skills
    Being aware of your own behaviour and mindful of how it impacts on others, enhancing personal skills to adapt professional practice accordingly.
    • Delivering excellent service
    Providing the best quality service to external and internal clients. Building genuine and open long-term relationships in order to drive up service standards.
    • Finding solutions
    Taking a holistic view and working enthusiastically to analyse problems and to develop workable solutions. Identifying opportunities for innovation.
    • Embracing change

    Being open to and engaging with new ideas and ways of working. Adjusting to unfamiliar situations, shifting demands and changing roles.

    • Using resources effectively

    Identifying and making the most productive use of resources including people, time, information, networks and budgets.

    • Engaging with the wider context

    Enhancing your contribution to the organisation through an understanding of the bigger picture and showing commitment to organisational values.

    • Developing self and others

    Showing commitment to own ongoing professional development. Supporting and encouraging others to develop their professional knowledge, skills and behaviours to enable them to reach their full potential.

    • Working together

    Working collaboratively with others in order to achieve objectives. Recognising and valuing the different contributions people bring to this process.

    • Achieving Results

    Consistently meeting agreed objectives and success criteria. Taking personal responsibility for getting things done.

    About Us

    Arts and Humanities

    The University of Stirling’s largest faculty has earned a reputation for delivering some of the most highly-rated Arts and Humanities courses in the country. With a focus on innovation, exploration and creativity, you’ll be part of a vibrant environment defined by world-class teaching and research.

    Staff thrive in a dynamic culture where collaboration is key, international links abound and the desire to make a meaningful contribution to society is always at the forefront of our minds.

    The Division of Communications, Media and Culture (CMC) at Stirling is an internationally renowned centre for research and teaching. Ranked top in Scotland for Journalism (NSS 2020), the Division consistently draws high ratings for its teaching across digital media, production and journalism at all levels. Our students frequently win awards at major national competitions and many go on to become successful practitioners, entrepreneurs and executives in the media, creative and communications industries globally.

    CMC research expertise spans the humanities, social sciences and management. We have long been recognised for our research in screen studies, media and cultural policy and in recent years our research has increasingly focused on digital communications and technologies. Our expansion strategy has seen the arrival of a group of talented new colleagues with diverse interests including data journalism and analytics, the creative economy, branding and promotional communications, design, animation, interactive media, sound and digital publishing. The Division now offers a wide choice of options in taught postgraduate and undergraduate programmes, and in doctoral research, spanning mass and digital media, creative industries and cultural policy, political and promotional communications.

    CMC is committed to supporting and promoting equality and diversity and to being an inclusive workplace. We believe this can be achieved through attracting, developing, and retaining a diverse range of staff from different backgrounds. In supporting our employees to achieve a balance between their work and their personal lives, we will also consider proposals for flexible working or job share arrangements.

    The University

    The University of Stirling is a leading UK teaching and research-intensive university, created by Royal Charter in 1967. Since its foundation, the University has embraced its role as an innovative, intellectual and cultural institution with a pioneering spirit and a passion for excellence in all that it does.

    In 2016, the University launched its current Strategic Plan (2016-2021), with targets to: be one of the top 25 universities in the UK; increase income by £50 million; enhance its research profile by 100 per cent; and ensure internationalisation is at the heart of everything it does.

    With three-quarters of its research ranked world-leading and internationally-excellent (Research Excellence Framework 2014), the University’s groundbreaking, interdisciplinary research makes a difference to society and has a positive impact on communities worldwide. Stirling’s research is making a positive impact on people’s health, education and wellbeing, with key strengths across our research themes of: Cultures, Communities and Society; Global Security and Resilience; and Living Well. The University collaborates with international governments and policymakers, businesses, industry, and charitable organisations, to tackle and provide solutions to some of the toughest global societal challenges.

    For more information on working at Stirling, please visit

    The University offers great benefits such as generous annual leave and membership of the Universities Superannuation Scheme. Additionally staff can benefit from a reduced membership rate at the University's excellent Sport Centre facilities.

    A full list of FAQs can be found here, we recommend you read these before making your application.

    Please ensure that you check your email account junk folder as your email provider may flag emails sent to you as suspected spam.

    Terms and conditions of this post can be found here.

    After the closing date, this job advert will no longer be available on the University of Stirling website therefore please keep a copy for your records.

  • 14.10.2020 09:01 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Carleton University

    Field of Specialization: Racism and Digital Media

    Academic Unit: Journalism and Communication (Communication and Media Studies)

    Category of Appointment: Preliminary (Tenure-track)

    Rank/Position Title: Assistant Professor

    Start Date: July 1, 2021

    Closing Date: November 27, 2020

    About the Position:

    The School of Journalism and Communication at Carleton University invites applications from qualified candidates for a preliminary, tenure track appointment in Racism and Digital Media at the rank of Assistant Professor beginning July 1, 2021.

    Waves of anti-carceral and racial justice protests are illuminating the crisis of systemic racism and inequality in Canada and the United States. Although digital media platforms have enabled rapid and successful organization of social movements pushing for racial equality, they have also helped uphold hate, intolerance and white supremacy. We seek a talented, publicly engaged scholar whose research provokes challenging and necessary conversations about the linkages between racism and digital media. Candidates whose scholarship is situated in either historical or contemporary contexts, and those working in any of the discipline’s theoretical and methodological traditions, are encouraged to apply.

    Preference will be given to those doing research in any of the following areas:

    • media and communication campaigns by anti-carceral and racial justice movements;
    • anti-oppression, decolonial and intersectional theories of media and communication, including the study of race’s intersectionality with gender, sexuality, immigrant status, religion, etc.;
    • algorithmic surveillance and control of Black, Indigenous and/or other racialized people and communities;
    • toxic media ecosystems and racist discourse; and/or
    • the creation by multinational media corporations of a racialized precariat labour class.

    Carleton University’s Strategic Integrated Plan highlights the importance of place and convergence in pursuing, mobilizing and sharing knowledge. The traditions that inform the successful candidate’s scholarship and teaching will allow for contributions to scholarly and public conversations about the complicated histories of racism that inform the “placeness” of Ottawa, Canada and Carleton, and the role of media in reflecting, shaping and providing spaces for resisting racializing structures and cultural practices.

    About the Academic Unit:

    Communication and Media Studies (COMS) is one of Canada’s top research-intensive programs in the field. Faculty members are leaders in their areas of scholarship and are committed to a progressive intellectual agenda.


    Candidates must possess a Ph.D. in Communication or a related discipline by the start of the appointment. Exceptional ABD candidates may be considered. Qualified candidates will possess an emerging record of high-quality research that demonstrates potential for excellence and leadership, and those who can demonstrate strong potential for outstanding teaching contributions at the undergraduate and graduate levels.

    Application Instructions:

    Qualified applicants are asked to submit in one single PDF document:

    • A cover letter that summarizes their research program and teaching experience, how they envision contributing to the intellectual life of the COMS program, and how equity, inclusion and diversity informs their scholarship and pedagogy. Candidates are asked to identify if they are a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada.
    • Current curriculum vitae
    • One writing sample, which may include sole- or lead-authored journal articles or book chapters, or other examples of scholarly writing that demonstrate the applicant’s research and writing abilities.
    • A teaching dossier that includes a brief statement of teaching philosophy, as well as evidence of university teaching experience and effectiveness.

    Please email your application package to Melanie Leblanc, Administrator, School of Journalism and Communication at by no later than November 27, 2020. Questions should be directed to Dr. Joshua Greenberg, Director, School of Journalism and Communication:

    Candidates selected to proceed to the next phase of the search process will be asked to provide 3 letters of reference and should plan for this possibility.

    To see the full posting for this position, please visit

    About Carleton University:

    Carleton University is a dynamic and innovative research and teaching institution with a national and international reputation as a leader in collaborative teaching and learning, research and governance. To learn more about our university, please visit

    Carleton University is committed to fostering diversity within its community as a source of excellence, cultural enrichment, and social strength. We welcome those who would contribute to the further diversification of our university including, but not limited to: women; visible minorities; First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples; persons with disabilities; and persons of any sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression. Carleton understands that career paths vary. Legitimate career interruptions will in no way prejudice the assessment process and their impact will be carefully considered.

    Applicants selected for an interview are asked to contact the Chair as soon as possible to discuss any accommodation requirements. Arrangements will be made in a timely manner.

    All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. All positions are subject to budgetary approval.

  • 14.10.2020 08:51 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    November 2-4, 2020


    We are pleased to invite you to the "Mediating Sexualities. The Sexual Politics of Media Production and Regulation" international conference, which will take place *online, on November 2nd, 3rd and 4th 2020.

    Access to the pre-recorded papers and participation in live discussions is free of charge, upon registration:

    All pre-recorded content will be available in English and French. Depending on the panels, it will be possible to ask questions to the speakers in French and/or English.

    By bringing together about thirty researchers working from five different countries, this conference aims to answer questions such as:

    • How are "pornography" and "hate" regulated on social media?
    • How is platform capitalism changing pornography and sex work?
    • What representations of sexuality are considered acceptable on the billboards of French cities?
    • How is sexuality scripted for cinema and television?
    • How has the #MeToo movement changed the journalistic coverage of sexuality and the gender dynamics inside press newsrooms?

    Mediating Sexualities also aims to show how much feminist and queer approaches are important to understand the media ecosystems that organize our public experiences.

    This conference is supported by the Arènes and Gériico research units, and by the University of Lille.

    Béatrice Damian-Gaillard & Florian Vörös for the conference team

    Contact: | Twitter: @mediasex2020 #mediasex2020

  • 14.10.2020 08:48 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Tools and Transformations series (HammerOn Press)

    Deadline: April 1, 2021

    COVID-19 is a global crisis that has affected everyone. As we recover from the pandemic, there is an opportunity to ensure that justice, sustainability and care are rebuilt into the fabric of our societies.

    Articulating bold visions and sharing practical knowledge can help catalyse meaningful and lasting change.

    Tools and Transformations, a new series from HammerOn Press, will publish books to further this agenda.

    We welcome proposals for single authored or edited collections exploring, but not limited to, the following topics:

    • Building caring economies
    • Centring Black Lives
    • Environmental and multi-species justice
    • Regenerative finance and business
    • Queer and Trans World Making
    • Social enterprise and co-operation
    • Health and Disability politics
    • Histories of radical organisations
    • Pedagogy and social transformation
    • Listening and community building
    • Anti-carceral feminism and restorative practices
    • Storytelling and new political imaginaries
    • Digital literacy and data activism
    • Building alternative institutions

    Books in the Tools and Transformations series will be affordable, grounded in rigorous research, be between 40,000-80,000 words and written in accessible language. The deadline for proposals is 1 April 2021.

    For initial enquiries about proposing a book for the series, email D-M Withers at or Jelena Stanovnik at .

    HammerOn Press is now an imprint of Intellect Books.

    For information about Intellect, and how to propose a book for Tools and

    Transformations visit:…-us

  • 14.10.2020 08:39 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    June 1 - 4, 2021

    Deadline: December 6, 2020

    Canadian Communication Association (CCA) Annual Conference 2021

    In collaboration with the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta

    We are very pleased to announce our Call for papers for the next annual conference of the Canadian Communication Association, which will be held from June 1-4, 2021 as part of the Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences (CFHSS) 2021 Congress. This year’s theme is “Northern Relations." Congress 2021 is organized this year in partnership with the University of Alberta in Edmonton.

    Proposal Submission Deadline: December 6, 2020.

    Please visit the CCA’s website for detailed information in both French and English, including the format of the conference during the pandemic, student funding, how to submit your proposals and CCA’s list of prizes:

    Les présentations en français sont aussi les bienvenues.

    We hope you will join us for this annual conference,

    Ghislain Thibault, Université de Montréal, Canada, CCA Vice-President and Conference Chair,

    Gordon Gow, University of Alberta, Canada, Local Area Coordinator




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