European Communication Research
and Education Association

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  • 01.04.2020 20:44 | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    Deadline: April, May and early June

    MAI: FEMINISM AND VISUAL CULTURE is putting together a special issue on creative connection during this pandemic.

    At this time of crisis because of the COVID-19 pandemic, our ability to physically touch is severely restricted, in order to protect ourselves and others from illness as well as police intervention. This has resulted in an even bigger shift to digital technologies and online interaction with hashtags such as #togetherapart encouraging more culture and connection on the internet in lieu of in-person events and meet-ups. Indeed being in touch is incredibly important: it helps us to stay safe, informed, and connected for our physical and mental health and our overall wellbeing. However, while people are suffering physically, emotionally, and financially, many in positions of power, including some governments and wealthy big business owners, seem more out of touch than ever.

    This call seeks contributions of and on visual culture, broadly defined, including writing, art, short films etc within the themes of COVID-19/crisis and connection. The aim is to create a space for people to connect through the production and consumption of culture during COVID-19, specifically those who are often already the least safe and most silenced in a systemically racist, capitalist, heteropatriarchal society: women; non-binary people; LGBTQ+ people; people of colour; poor and working-class people; people with disabilities; young people; and others who are disenfranchised. The intention is not only to amplify such voices, but also to raise money for those who are struggling financially, or may do so in the near future because of the crisis. Crisis—Connection—Culture is to be published as a special issue of MAI: Feminism and Visual Culture, an open- access online journal of new feminist research and creative work. Potential contributors should, therefore, ensure that both feminist and visual elements are clear foundations for submissions.

    This special issue will cut across arts, humanities, the social sciences and beyond. Individual submissions could focus on: film; television; other screens; social media; comic and graphic novels; photography; painting; theatre; dance; performance; fashion; games and gaming.

    Examples of topics could include but are certainly not limited to:

    • crisis, creativity, and mental health;
    • the shift from in-person to online ‘events’ such as theatre, film
    • festivals and viewing parties, dance classes etc;
    • online ‘events’ and isolation;
    • digital and/or visual activism at a time of crisis;
    • politics, COVID-19, and visual culture;
    • the visual and the haptic;
    • home/work space and the creation of visual culture;
    • inclusivity and accessibility in relation to online culture during COVID-19;
    • the impact of the shift to the digital for survival/connection/culture for those without the technology or knowledge;
    • crisis and cultural innovation;
    • the representation of pandemics, crises etc in visual culture;
    • visual culture and trauma.

    A variety of submissions are welcome, from accessible academic pieces to personal reflections or creative and video responses. Work-in-progress will also be considered. The style guide as well as information about word length etc. can be found here:

    We understand that prospective contributors will already have a range of pressing real-life commitments and worries during this crisis (health; finances; childcare etc.) and we would like allow more time for developing your projects/ideas. We will be considering submissions through April, May and early June.

    Please be mindful that everyone has more to deal with right now so do check if the MAI website (linked above) can answer your questions before contacting via e-mail.

    Potential contributions or expressions of interest should be sent to BOTH Leanne Dawson AND

    Contributors are encouraged to share their work as well as a donation link (e.g. PayPal if the contributor is in need of money or a link to a food bank or similar for contributors with a secure income) that readers may use to donate directly, if they are in a position to do so.

  • 01.04.2020 20:37 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Deadline (postponed): May 31, 2020

    Guest Editors: Sarah Geber, Tobias Frey, and Thomas Friemel

    Health and health-related behaviours are embedded in social contexts in various ways, which comprise both risks and opportunities for individual’s health (Sallis & Owen, 2015). Communicable (i.e., infectious) diseases, such as HIV or influenza, are spread through social contacts between persons (e.g., Rothenberg et al., 1998), and unfavorable health behaviours might be reinforced in one's social network (Valente, 2010). On the other hand, social support can ease the coping with diseases in everyday life (e.g., depression; Peirce, Frone, Russell, Cooper, & Mudar, 2000), and social norms may promote favorable health behaviours (e.g., eating healthily; Mollen, Rimal, Ruiter, & Kok, 2013). In the course of the digitalisation, new platforms have emerged that intensify known social processes or enable new ones. On social networking sites, people can directly observe health-related behaviours and thus norms of relevant others (e.g., Beullens & Vandenbosch, 2016); apps allow users to track their health behaviours and share their obtained health goals (e.g., Kristensen & Ruckenstein, 2018); and various online forums provide platforms for exchanging experiences and support regarding specific health issues (e.g., Barak, Boniel-Nissim, & Suler, 2008). Since these social processes unfold their effects through communication, they deserve special attention by health communication scholars to maintain and improve individual and public health.

    The special issue aims to address the complexity of individuals’ social contexts and the full breadth of communication — ranging from interpersonal communication to mass media, online to offline, intended to unintended etc. It therefore calls for papers analyzing the interrelations between social aspects, different forms of health-related communication, and health at the individual, interpersonal, and societal level. Submissions can address but are not limited to the following questions and concepts.

    Individual level:

    • Which health behaviours are especially susceptible to social influence (e.g., private vs. public health behaviour) and what role do different means of communication play in these contexts?
    • How are individual social-related characteristics, such as traits (e.g., need to belong), cognitions (e.g., perceived norms), and motives (e.g., need for social integration) associated with health behaviour and health-related communication?
    • How are media messages elaborated that address social aspects of health behaviour (e.g., social frames)?

    Interpersonal level:

    • Which relevance do different settings have for health communication (e.g., family, colleagues, self-help groups)?
    • Which role do different actors (e.g., doctors, patients, bystanders) and social roles (e.g., opinion leaders, influencers, followers) play in the context of health communication?
    • How does health-related interpersonal communication differ depending on the channel and platform (e.g. face-to-face vs. mediated)?

    Societal level:

    • Which sociocultural aspects (e.g., collectivistic vs. individualistic societies) and characteristics of the media system are relevant regarding health and health communication?
    • What kind of divides related to health communication exist in societies and what are their consequences (e.g., digital divides)?
    • How can societal inequalities and health-related stigmatization be addressed by health communication and what guidelines are helpful for journalists to ease these issues?

    The special issue calls for basic research describing and explaining these aspects but also refers to applied research seeking to solve practical health communication issues. It is interested in theories, methods, and study designs that allow studying social aspects of health communication at different levels as well as the integration of various levels within a single approach.

    Submission format

    We welcome submissions that fit any of the EJHC formats: original research papers, theoretical papers, methodological papers, review articles, brief research reports. For further information on the article types, please see

    Manuscript should be prepared in accordance with the EJHC author guidelines ( and be submitted via the journal website (

    Deadline for submission is 31 May 2020.

    Review process

    All articles will undergo a rigorous peer review process. Once the paper has been assessed as appropriate by the editorial management team (with regard to form, content, and quality), it will be peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers in a double-blind review process, meaning that reviewers are not disclosed to authors, and authors are not disclosed to reviewers. To ensure short publication processes, EJHC releases articles online on a rolling basis, expected to start in December 2020.

    Contact guest editors

    Sarah Geber, University of Zurich,

    Tobias Frey, University of Zurich,

    Thomas N. Friemel, University of Zurich,


    Barak, A., Boniel-Nissim, M., & Suler, J. (2008). Fostering empowerment in online support groups. Computers in Human Behavior, 24, 1867–1883.

    Beullens, K., & Vandenbosch, L. (2016). A conditional process analysis on the relationship between the use of social networking sites, attitudes, peer norms, and adolescents' intentions to consume alcohol. Media Psychology, 19, 310–333.

    Kristensen, D. B., & Ruckenstein, M. (2018). Co-evolving with self-tracking technologies. New Media & Society, 20, 3624–3640.

    Mollen, S., Rimal, R. N., Ruiter, R. A. C., & Kok, G. (2013). Healthy and unhealthy social norms and food selection. Findings from a field-experiment. Appetite, 65, 83–89.

    Peirce, R. S., Frone, M. R., Russell, M., Cooper, M. L., & Mudar, P. (2000). A longitudinal model of social contact, social support, depression, and alcohol use. Health Psychology, 19, 28–38.

    Rothenberg, R. B., Potterat, J. J., Woodhouse, D. E., Muth, S. Q., Darrow, W. W., & Klovdahl, A. S. (1998). Social network dynamics and HIV transmission. AIDS, 12, 1529–1536.

    Sallis, J. F., & Owen, N. (2015). Ecological models of health behavior. In K. Glanz, B. K. Rimer, & K. Viswanath (Eds.), Health behavior: Theory, research, and practice (5th ed., pp. 43–64). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

    Valente, T. W. (2010). Social Networks and Health: Models, Methods, and Applications. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press.

  • 01.04.2020 20:36 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    October 2, 2020 with a Get Together at the October 1, 2020

    Braga, Portugal

    Deadline: May 15, 2020 (500 word maximum abstract)

    Authors Notification: July 2020

    Registration: Until 15 September 2020

    Venue: Braga, Portugal ( ECREA conference venue, details to be specified)


    Program chair: Doreen Reifegerste

    Local host: Fernando Catarino (Lusofona University, Portugal)

    Contact: TWG Health Communication (

    Aim and Scope of the Pre-Conference

    For our preconference we invite proposals that focus on different forms of communication in the context of health. This includes media issues, such as media coverage of health topics, health literacy, information seeking behaviour, usage and effects of health messages; strategic issues, focusing on communication strategies and prevention campaigns, narrowcasting health messages, and health public relations; health technologies issues, such as usage and effects of novel health technologies, communicative challenges related to novel technologies, e-health, telemedicine; social and community issues, such as health-related interpersonal communication, social influence and support, as well as community health risk management; patient-provider issues, such as determinants, content, and outcomes of patient-provider interactions, communication skills, or trust and disclosure in interactions; intercultural issues, such as health communication for ethnic minorities, challenges of intercultural health communication, and cross-cultural differences in health communication issues; methodological issues, comprising methodological innovations and challenges in current health communication research, both qualitative and quantitative approaches; academic issues, such as self-observations and introspective studies in the field of health communication. We welcome empirical studies, theoretical contributions, and literature reviews. Beyond theoretical conceptions and empirical studies from single European countries we are especially interested in contributions reflecting comparions of multiple European countries or overviews of various countries.

    The pre-conference aims to assemble scholarship on health communication from across Europe and from a multiplicity of backgrounds. It is also our aim to stimulate joint projects, discussion and to give new impulses for research on health communication in Europe.

    Abstracts of 500 words (excluding tables, figures, and references) must be written in English and should outline the research topic as well as the theoretical and methodological approach. Pictures/tables/charts are allowed within the abstract but do not count againts the word count. All abstracts will be subject to double-blind peer review.

    Submit your abstract as an e-mail attachment with no references to the author(s). Author(s) details (name, affiliation and contact details) must be included in the e-mail message to

    Provisional Programme

    9:30 – Welcome

    9:45 – 1st Session

    10:45 – Coffee Break

    11:15 – 2nd Session

    12:15 – Lunch

    13:15 – 3rd Session

    14:15 – Coffee Break

    14:45 – 4th Session

    15:45 – Roundup or Q&A

    There will be a very small fee to cover refreshments to be paid at the pre-conference.

  • 01.04.2020 20:30 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Special issue of the Journal of African Media Studies

    Deadline: April 30, 2020

    The Journal of African Media Studies is cordially inviting you to submit a paper to be included in a thematic issue on Media and the Corona Pandemic in Africa. Since its outbreak in China, the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic has brought the world into a standstill, through various forms of lockdown, social distancing and self-quarantine. In Africa, as in other parts of the world, the pandemic is affecting every sphere of life including travel, education, business, informal sector, religion, health and entertainment. The public demand for information is unprecedented. The pandemic is attracting a huge amount of attention in media. Conversation issues in social media revolve around Covid-19. We invite articles that focus on the unfolding corona-crisis in Africa. What are the stories emerging from the continent? How is the media depicting the coronavirus pandemic? Articles for this special issue will focus on a number of issues around the Covid-19 pandemic and the media in Africa.

    Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

    • Media coverage and representation of the pandemic
    • Mainstream media and alternative narratives about Covid-19
    • Indigenous language media and Covid-19
    • User-generated images and memes on Covid-19
    • The use of satire, music and comedy
    • Social media and proliferation of fake news, dodgy health advice and fake ‘cures’
    • Conspiracy theories, misinformation, and disinformation related to the coronavirus pandemic
    • Discourse about poverty, migration, racism, religion and xenophobia
    • Minority voices in the media
    • The role of micro-celebrities
    • Media and information literacy
    • Rooted cosmopolitans and support networks
    • International relations, post-colonialism
    • Screen media and creativity

    All articles submitted should be original work and must not be under consideration by other publications. Articles published in JAMS are subjected to a blind peer-reviewing process and should not normally exceed 6,000 words in length. For more information on requirements and submission procedures see

    If interested, please send a 300-word abstract and short biography to Martin Ndlela by 30 April 2020. The deadline for full articles is 1st September 2020

  • 01.04.2020 20:28 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Lyon University

    Laboratoire ELICO (Équipe de recherche de Lyon en sciences de l’information et de la communication), part of Lyon University, is currently looking for a PhD candidate to work on a project focussing on Open Science. The project is embedded within a larger frame of projects on scientific culture and changes that foster more reliable and better science. The project would be financed for 36 months, and is based in Lyon, France.

    Candidates do not need to speak French, but must have completed a Masters degree outside of France. Coordinator of the project is Professor of Sciences de l’Information et de la Communication at Lyon University Chérifa Boukacem. As a member of ELICO, interested candidates can send her an email ( with their CV, and she will contact the candidates to further discuss conditions an requirements.

    The university deadline to receive the candidate’s name is April 9th.

  • 25.03.2020 18:07 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    July 9-10, 2020

    Istanbul, Turkey

    Deadline: May 4, 2020

    The Young Researchers Conference on Cultural Policy and Cultural Diplomacy organised by Istanbul Bilgi University UNESCO Chair in Cultural Policy and Cultural Diplomacy will be held on 9-10 July 2020 in İstanbul.

    Founded in 2017, Istanbul Bilgi University UNESCO Chair in Cultural Policy and Cultural Diplomacy aims to enhance the international cultural cooperation and dialogue, protect and promote the diversity of cultural expressions, produce capacity-enhancing programmes to support participatory cultural policy-making, and support the existing international network in this field. In line with its objectives, it carries out academic works with the Cultural Policy and Management Research Centre (KPY), which publishes the Cultural Policy Yearbook in Turkish and English annually.  

    Aims of the Conference:

    • Raising the recognition of cultural policy and cultural diplomacy based on cultural diversity in the academic arena
    • Enabling young researchers who work at the main disciplines of cultural policy and cultural diplomacy to share their research findings and open them to discussion
    • Creating an international sharing and interaction platform
    • Identifying the common interests of the researchers from the global South and the global North and create co-working opportunities


    Participation is open to both national and international researchers who received their MA degrees or the ones who are still conducting their Ph.D. studies. Priority will be given to the candidates from the regions of Middle East, North Africa, Caucasia and the Balkans. As a result of the peer assessment, the travel and accommodation fees of a limited number of participants will be covered and they will be given three days of per diem allowance. 


    Candidates must send their research information, affiliated institution, telephone and e-mail addresses, resumes and research abstracts (Length of the abstract should be a total of 500 words, excluding references) to for peer evaluation by 4 May 2020 at the latest. Each abstract will be evaluated by two reviewers.  

    Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

    • Cultural Policy
    • Cultural Diplomacy (and International Relations)
    • Arts and Cultural Management
    • Cultural Heritage
    • Museum Studies
    • Cultural Diversity
    • Copyright and Intellectual Property
    • Cultural Economy
    • Cultural and Creative Industries
    • Culture and Sustainable Development
    • Cities and Culture

    The panel topics will be determined according to the chosen abstracts. Papers presented in the conference will be reviewed by the scientific committee set up for the Conference with a view for their publication as a book in Turkish and English.

    Important dates

    • Abstract submission deadline: 4 May 2020
    • Notification of acceptance: 25 May 2020
    • Final presentation submission deadline: 22 June 2020
    • Conference: 9-10 July 2020
    • Final paper submission deadline: 7 September 2020
    • The conference publication: mid-december 2020

    *Due to the ongoing New Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic, the Conference Organisation Committee reserves the rights of changing and/or postponing the dates and location of the event. All the prospective changes will be announced to the channels of Istanbul Bilgi University’s, Istanbul Bilgi University UNESCO Chair in Cultural Policy and Cultural Diplomacy’s and conference web site within the reasonable given time as announcements. 

    Young Researchers Conference on Cultural Policy and Cultural Diplomacy Organisation Committee

    This conference is organized with the support of the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

  • 25.03.2020 17:30 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Brunel University London

    Apply here:

    College / Directorate College of Business Arts & Social Sciences

    Department Department of Social & Political Sciences

    Full Time / Part Time Full Time

    Posted Date 04/03/2020

    Closing Date 02/04/2020

    Ref No 1945

    Full-time, permanent

    Salary (Grade H3): £40,183 - £51,719 per annum (incl. of London Allowance)

    Social Sciences and Communications at Brunel University London is part of a thriving interdisciplinary Department of Social and Political Sciences, which includes Sociology, Communications, Journalism, Anthropology, Politics, and Modern History. It has a superb research record with 50% of research rated as being internationally excellent or world-leading in REF 2014.

    We are seeking to recruit a lecturer in Communications and Journalism. We will consider an appointment in any area of the discipline, but preference will be given for candidates who have teaching and research interests in any of the following: digital communications, digital media and journalism, digital cultures, new social media and social and political movements.

    The appointment is from summer 2020 or as soon as possible thereafter.

    The appointee will join a well-established research and teaching team with an outstanding track record of success. You will also be expected to participate in at least one of the research centres and/or hubs in the College of Business, Arts & Social Sciences, or a University Research Institute.

    More information about the Division can be found at:

    Informal enquiries about the posts and the Department can be made to the Head of Department, Professor Justin Fisher ( or the Divisional Lead for Social Sciences and Communication, Dr Peter Wilkin (

    Closing date for applications: 2 April 2020

    Interviews and Presentations will be held on the 20 May 2020

    For further details and to apply please visit


  • 25.03.2020 17:18 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    October 23-24, 2020

    Hamburg, Germany

    Deadline: May 15, 2020

    The particular epistemic and innovative potentials of Design Research are increasingly recognized within the wider academic sphere and are in constantly growing demand by businesses, institutions and politics alike. Yet, design research also is a field and practice that, due to its in-between nature, lacks the clear boundaries and formal dogmatisms of more traditional research disciplines, as well as their implicit notions of secured knowledge and linear progress.

    Recognizing this inherent openness as one of its key qualities, the New Experimental Research in Design (in short: NERD) conference aims at providing a genuinely diverse and open platform for discussing, reflecting on and exposing to a wider public the manifold ways in which design’s unique perspective and proficiencies can intelligently be applied as a research competence. It does so by inviting presentations of empirical research projects by researchers from around the world and from all areas of design research with a focus on methodologically and thematically original approaches.

    The emphasis on the empirical or the experimental – in the double sense of the researcher’s actual involvement and transformative interaction with his or her object of research and the brave and playful exploration of untrodden paths – is based on the conviction that the discussion about the merits and possibilities of design research is one that has to be led by example: What constitutes a fruitful method or approach only becomes apparent by it actually being conceptualized, worked out and eventually put into practice. For the same reason, NERD is decidedly not narrowed to a certain topic or school of thought, since the qualitatively new often exceeds such preconceived categories. Developed and realized by BIRD, the Board of International Research in Design for the eponymous design research book series published by Birkhäuser, as an annual event with changing venues, this conference format has already proven its productivity three times.

    NERD, held at HAW Hamburg (Design Department) and hosted by Zentrum für Designforschung in Hamburg/Germany on 23./24.October 2020, will feature a careful selection of 30-minute presentations of research projects, each followed by another half an hour of time for questions and intense discussion with the audience. For this, we invite speakers at an advanced graduate, doctoral or early postdoctoral level to present their ongoing research or completed theses. Contributions should employ an original and well-conceived design-based and empirical/experimental approach and may deal with all kinds of interesting, engaging and socially, culturally and intellectually relevant questions.

    Contributions by NERDs from other fields who share a similar commitment to new experimental approaches in design research are also welcome.

    How to apply

    If you would like to apply, we kindly ask for submission of an extended abstract (1000–1500 words) of your research project or the part of it that you wish to present at the conference to be sent to bird[at] until May 15, 2020.

    All submissions will be blind reviewed and submitters will receive a notification about the admission of their contributions to the conference until June 15, 2020.

    If you have further question, get in touch with:

    Prof. Dr. Michael Erlhoff (erlhoff[at] or Dr. Tom Bieling(Tom.Bieling[at] )

    Deadline: May 15, 2020

    The Programme will be announced in June. Admission is free! We are looking forward do seeing you at #NERDfor – New Experimental Research in Design (Hamburg, 23. – 24. October 2020).

    HAW Hamburg, Department Design

    Armgartstraße 24

    22087 Hamburg


    #NERDfor Call for Papers

  • 25.03.2020 16:51 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

     September 4-6, 2020

    Die Wolfsburg, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Essen, Germany

    Deadline: May 22, 2020

    “What would you prefer, yellow spandex…?” – X-Men (2000)

    2020 marks twenty years since the release of X-Men, which sparked a re-emergence of the superhero on screen and led to a spectacular ascent towards being the most successful and globally popular genre in cinema history, with dozens of films produced and many billions of dollars earned in the last two decades – an aggressive dominance that shows no signs of receding.

    In the last year, the titanic Avengers: Endgame provided the superhero film with its biggest-ever canvas and, sandwiched between /Captain Marvel/ and Spider-Man: Far From Home, brought Phase Three of the Marvel Cinematic Universe to a triumphant finish, after eleven years and twenty-three films. Yet, late in 2019, DC placed its most iconic villain centre stage in Todd Phillips’ Joker, which provided a truly striking take on Batman’s arch-nemesis, drawing on 70’s New Hollywood aesthetics and exploring issues such as mental health and social revolt.

    The James Gunn-produced Brightburn merged the superhero genre with Horror to generate a forbiddingly dark mirror of the Superman origin story. Meanwhile, on television, the full CW line of DC Comics shows ambitiously collided in an adaptation of the signature 1980’s event Crisis on Infinite Earths, which surprisingly provided actor Brandon Routh a belated opportunity to reprise the role of Superman.

    Within the source medium of Comics, the genre continued to show great diversity and invention, along with experimentation: Gene Luen Yang and Girihu’s superb Superman Smashes The Klan took a famous storyline from the 1940’s Superman radio show and used it to view The Man of Steel via the immigrant experience, while in the mainstream comics, Brian Michael Bendis controversially dispensed with a core tenet of the superhero mythology, as Superman revealed his secret identity to the world. The Unstoppable Waspwas a light-hearted wonder, firmly focused on fun and easily accessible. After decades of being rooted in science, Immortal Hulk took a sharp turn into the realms of Horror and Grant Morrison’s take on  Green Lantern vigorously resurrected the Silver Age of Comics. In Tom King’s Mister Miracle, the superhero is viewed through the lenses of mental health and political anxieties.

    Soaring into its ninth decade, then, the superhero currently occupies a diverse, expansive and dominant space in modern popular culture. Perceived as a modern form of mythology or folklore, the characters signature emblems are among the most recognisable in the world, functioning as powerful, pervasive and vastly profitable brands. Yet, while still largely American in focus, the superhero has become increasingly international, capable of reflecting specific issues and operating as a powerful messenger of them - a power they have possessed since their inception.

    The Superhero Project: 4th Global Meeting invites inter-disciplinary discussion on superheroes and notions of the super-heroic. Indicative themes for discussion may include but are not limited to:

    1. Post-Humanism:

    • Technology & augmentation / armour
    • Cyborgs
    • Prosthesis
    • The Übermensch
    • Mutations and genetic engineering

    2. Dual Identities:

    • The power of the mask
    • Alter-egos and secret identities
    • Costume and Disguise
    • Cosplay

    3. Gender & Ethnicity:

    • Hyper-masculinity
    • Depictions of the female superhero
    • Ethnic diversity in superhero comics and their readership.

    4. Sexuality:

    • LGBT Superheroes
    • Queer readings of established characters
    • Gay Representation in Superhero Comics
    • Camp and the Superhero
    • Superheroes vs Sexual Violence

    5. Deconstruction:

    • The anti-hero
    • The post-9/11 Superhero
    • The Everyman superhero

    6. Social Responsibility:

    • Vigilantism
    • Superheroes as role models
    • Childhood play
    • Heroism and cowardice

    7. The Heroic & the Patriotic:

    • The monomyth (the hero's journey)
    • Patriotism and nationalism
    • National personification
    • The Soldier as Superhero
    • "Truth, justice and the American way"

    8. Pop Culture Depictions:

    • Adaptation
    • The superhero as brand
    • Merchandising and franchising
    • Fans and cultural capital

    What to Send:

    300 word abstracts should be submitted by Friday May 22 , 2020 to the following e-mail addresses: and

    Accepted proposals will be notified by June 8 , 2020.

    Abstracts should be submitted simultaneously to both Organising Chairs; abstracts may be in Word or RTF formats with the following information and in this order: a) author(s), b) affiliation as you would like it to appear in programme, c) email address, d) title of proposal, e) body of proposal, f) up to 10 keywords.

    E-mails should be entitled: _SUPER4 Abstract Submission_

    Please use plain text (Times Roman 12) and abstain from using any special formatting, characters or emphasis (such as bold, italics or underline). We acknowledge receipt and answer to all proposals submitted. If you do not receive a reply from us in a week you should assume we did not receive your proposal; it might be lost! If this is the case, please do resend to both e-mail addresses.

    Organising Chairs:

    Danny Graydon (University of Hertfordshire):

    Torsten Caeners (University of Duisburg-Essen):

    Danny Graydon, FHEA Lecturer, Screen (Digital Animation & Model Design)

    Collaborative Partnership Leader, Escola Britanica des Artes Creativas (EBAC), Sao Paulo, Brazil School of Creative Arts | University of Hertfordshire | College Lane |

    Hatfield AL10 9AB

    Office: AB170 | Tel: +44 (0)1707 284 000 | Email:

    Internal Ext: 5336

    THE SUPERHERO PROJECT: 4th Global Meeting / 4-6 September 2020, Mulheim, Germany

  • 25.03.2020 16:42 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Bournemouth University

    Salary: from £41,526 - £49,553 per annum with further progression opportunities to £54,131

    Research allowance: Up to £30,000 across three years.

    Closing date: Sunday, May 10, 2020 - midnight

    Please quote reference: RDS38

    This intends to build on BU’s existing work within strategic communication to strengthen its emerging focus on health and science communication as an interdisciplinary area. The post holder will spend 90% of his/her time on conducting research and knowledge exchange activities in order to explore effective methods for evidence-based communication of public health across local, national and international contexts.

    The post-holder will work alongside our existing experts in the field of media and communication, public health, data science and social psychology, to enhance our capacity to deliver impact and engage with industry partners and other collaborators.

    This initiative primarily brings together the:

    • Department of Communication & Journalism (where the post holder will be based)
    • Department of Medical Sciences and Public Health

    The post, by necessity, requires a combination of disciplinary knowledge and expertise, which may include — but is not limited to — strategic communication, science communication, media psychology, health statistics, data visualisation, as well as an understanding or empathy for interpersonal communication in the healthcare sector.

    Research interest and expertise in health and science mis/disinformation linked with epidemics/ pandemic (such as coronavirus / COVID-19) is particularly welcome.

    BU Academic Targeted Research Scheme:

    Job description:

    Both academic application form AND research scheme application form must be completed: Application Form_0.pdf


    We are looking for applicants who have the potential to develop into independent academic leaders and deliver high quality research with impact. You must have significant postdoctoral expertise in the targeted research area, normally a relevant doctorate, a track record of high quality research, and be aspiring to apply for externally funded fellowships or other major grant awards. Your research interest should align with the targeted research area: Health and Science Communication.

    To support you in your role and accelerate your career, you will be assigned a dedicated mentor with world-class expertise and significant research management experience. Extensive training opportunities including a bespoke personal development plan and peer support from a cross-disciplinary cohort of academic researchers will be available. In addition, you will be provided with generous start-up costs and support for mobility to work with external partners, including outside the UK and academia.

    The BU support offered will be fixed-term for three years at Grade 8 (NSS BU scales) plus reasonable costs that reflect the needs of the post.

    The Academic Application form must be completed together with the Scheme Application form, which will allow reasonable costs up to a maximum of £30k for a three year period. /Any academic application forms received without the scheme application form will be rejected. /

    This opportunity is initially offered for a Fixed-Term period of three years.

    For an informal discussion about this opportunity please contact: Einar Thorsen, quoting ref no: RDS38

    Please note that interview timelines may be affected by COVID-19 restrictions, and we will review these in light of situation as it develops.




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1180 Uccle

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