European Communication Research
and Education Association

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  • 26.09.2019 13:35 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Editor: Heloisa Pait

    Deadline: December 15, 2019

    Connections between the emergence of national democracies, economic development, and the introduction of mass media have been studied for many decades, but there are still missing links in this complex web. In 1949, Daniel Lerner suggested the existence of a relationship between new media and the modern mentality in developing nations. Although much criticized, his insights influenced optimistic views of the impact of television and the internet around the globe. Here we ask a different question: what is the impact of State censorship and material restrictions on the press, in countries that have been witnessing continuous economic development?

    Do restrictions on the functioning of the media in the formative period of a nation have long-term impacts on economic development? Looking from a different angle, can a limited labor market, with few formal vacancies in competitive firms, make literacy less rewarding, discouraging private investment in education? How do low literacy rates influence political culture and the nature of the public sphere in a modern society? In this volume, we would like to examine the multiple relationships between economic development, adoption of new media, literacy and education, and democratic culture.

    We are interested in studies of so-called developing countries, and in particular those where there have been restrictions on the printing press, such as colonial Brazil and the Ottoman Empire, or which somehow differ from the Northern European and North American model of media development. We welcome papers using a variety of methods, particularly those bridging interdisciplinary gaps. Our goal is to point to new paths in the understanding of the challenges to achieving a free and just society. We welcome papers that discuss public policy regarding educational or economic reforms within that larger investigative framework, as well as research on the experience of particular groups. Research is particularly welcome on women, the African diaspora, and/or Marranos.

    The article “Liberalism Without a Press: 18th Century Minas Geraes and the Roots of Brazilian Development”, by the editor, which appeared on volume 18 of Studies in Media and Communications, further elaborates on the possible relations between media, development and the public sphere. Please send your inquiries to Dr. Heloisa Pait, with the subject “Emerald Book Series”. Submissions should be sent before January 15, 2020.

    Editor: Heloisa Pait is a tenured professor of sociology at the São Paulo State University Julio de Mesquita Filho. She has written on Brazilian telenovelas, on the role of new media in political action and on higher education in Brazil and in the United States. Heloisa Pait is an active participant of public debates; she has recently launched Revista Pasmas, an online women’s magazine. Her published articles are listed in the Lattes platform at

    Contributing editor: Renata Nagamine is a postdoctoral fellow in the Graduate Program in International Relations at the Federal University of Bahia, Brazil. She received her PhD in international law from the University of São Paulo Law School. Nagamine has worked as a researcher at the Brazilian Centre of Analysis and Planning (Cebrap) and was a Kathleen Fitzpatrick Visiting Fellow with the Laureate Program in International Law at the University of Melbourne in 2018. Her areas of interest are international humanitarian law, human rights, and political theory. Her published articles are listed in the Lattes platform at

  • 26.09.2019 13:34 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Editor: Julie B. Wiest

    Initial Deadline: September 30, 2019

    This volume will include social science research that advances knowledge about the complex relationships between media and crime. Chapters will be divided into central focal areas within this literature to seek the widest breadth of current scholarship. In particular, studies are sought that examine: representations of crime and criminals in mass media; links between media representations of crime and related public beliefs and behaviors; the use of new/digital media in the commission/detection of crime or in the dissemination of crime stories; and advances in theory and/or methods relevant to studies of media and crime.

    Topics might include:

    1. Crime and Criminals in Mass Media: Chapters may examine the representation of crime and/or criminals in news or entertainment media, possibly focusing on depictions of crime rates, criminal incidents, or characteristics of criminals such as race, gender, age, nationality, occupation, etc.

    2. Theorizing Media and Crime: Chapters may explore classical and emerging theories used in studies of media and crime, such as uses and gratifications theory, the mean world syndrome, mediatization, media logic, and others.

    3. Mediated Perceptions of Crime: Chapters may focus on relationships between media representations of crime/criminals and public perceptions, attitudes, and/or behaviors related to criminality and/or criminal victimization.

    4. Crime and Criminals in a New Media Landscape: Chapters may examine the role of new/ digital media technologies in the commission of crime, the detection/policing of crime, or the dissemination of information about crime and/or criminals.

    5. Methods for Studying Media and Crime: Chapters may explore classical and/or emerging research methods used to study the relationships between media and crime, including quantitative, qualitative, and/or mixed methods.

    Volume Deadlines

    • Proposal submissions: Sept. 30, 2019 (acceptance notifications by Nov. 1, 2019)

    Proposals should be emailed to as an attached Word file in the form of an extended abstract of 500 to 1,000 words, plus references.

    All proposals should include information about the purpose and significance of the study, the data and methods employed, and major findings.

    • Chapter drafts: Feb. 3, 2020 (peer review feedback by March 16, 2020)
    • Final chapters: May 15, 2020 (about 8,000 – 10,000 words, including notes and references)

    QUESTIONS? Contact the volume editor at

    Editor Julie Wiest is Associate Professor at West Chester University of Pennsylvania USA. As a sociologist of culture and media, Julie Wiest applies mainly symbolic interactionist and social constructivist perspectives to studies in three primary areas: (1) the sociocultural context of violence, (2) mass media effects, and (3) the relationship between new media technologies and social change. Wiest received her Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Tennessee and M.A. in journalism and mass communication from the University of Georgia. Before academia, she worked as a print and online journalist for nearly a decade.

    Also see:

  • 26.09.2019 13:32 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    9th Brazil-US Colloquium on Communication Studies 2020

    March 24-25, 2020

    UT Austin, Texas, USA

    Deadline: October 15, 2019

    You are invited to submit your research to the ninth Brazil-U.S. Colloquium on Communication Studies to be held at the University of Texas at Austin on March 24-25, 2020. The event is co-sponsored by the Brazilian Association of Interdisciplinary Studies in Communication (Intercom). Research is welcome regarding the central theme and on any theme relevant to Brazil and the U.S., as well as other topics on history, literature, media, culture, and/or communication studies in the Americas. Comparative work Brazil-US is welcome but not required. Research may be in Portuguese or English. For selected Brazilian papers, presentations may be in Portuguese but with Powerpoint in English.

    Optional Publication Submission: Deadline December 1, 2019

    An edited volume will be published with ESMC highlighting scholarship from the Colloquium.

    For consideration in the volume, full papers are due by December 1, 2019

    See formatting guidelines here:

    Send submission to:

    Dates and Deadlines

    • Colloquium Submission Deadline: October 15, 2019
    • Colloquium Notification Date: On or before November 15, 2019
    • Optional Publication Deadline: December 1, 2019
    • Colloquium Dates: March 24-25, 2020

    Colloquium Format

    The colloquium is conducted in Portuguese and English with informal translation offered. Both days of the conference take place in an expanded “round table” format to facilitate discussion and Q&A between scholars interested in media and communications in Brazil, the U.S., and the Americas. Participation is welcome from researchers, graduate students, and practitioners. Scholars presenting papers may also wish to take advantage of the concurrent BRASA Conference (March 26-28).

    Submissions for Scholars in the USA and/or Outside of Brazil

    Submissions are due October 15, 2019 with notification on or before November 15, 2019. The first twenty extended abstracts accepted will receive free registration. To submit your extended abstract, please send the following items below in a single document by email to:

    Colloquium Submission: Due October 15, 2019

    1) An overview of your research (approximately 500-750 words)

    2) A working title for your paper

    3) 3-5 keywords

    4) Short bio or highlights from CV for all authors (approximately 250-750 words max)

    5) Author(s)’ names, affiliations, and contact emails

    Send submission to:


    Brazil: Sonia Virgínia Moreira (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora)

    USA: Joe Straubhaar (UT Austin), Leila Lehnen (Brown University), Laura Robinson (Santa Clara University), Jeremy Schulz (UC Berkeley)

    Academic Committee

    BRAZIL: Sonia Virgínia Moreira (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora), Maria José Baldessar (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina), Monica Martinez (Universidade de Sorocaba), and Sergio Mattos (Universidade Federal do Recôncavo Baiano)

    USA: Joe Straubhaar (University of Texas at Austin), Leila Lehnen (Brown University), Laura Robinson (Santa Clara University), Jeremy Schulz (University of California, Berkeley), John R. Baldwin (Illinois State University), Juliana Maria (da Silva) Trammel (Savannah State University), and Mauro Porto (Tulane University)

    Questions? Send any queries to email:

  • 26.09.2019 13:29 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The University of Bremen, Germany


    The University of Bremen, Germany, is looking for a computer scientist in the area of Communication and Media Studies at ZeMKI, Centre for Media, Communication and Information Research:

    Subject to the release of funds, the Centre for Media, Communication and Information Research (ZeMKI) at the University of Bremen has a full-time position to be filled as soon as possible:

    Computer scientist (f/m/d) in the area of Communication and Media Studies

    - Salary group 13 TV-L -

    100 % of regular working hours

    The position is restricted to a period of 3 years. The successful candidate will be able to pursue a doctorate.

    Your tasks:

    Development of research software, maintenance of research software, server administration, participation in software documentation and co-creation workshops

    Your profile:

    • Above average degree (master’s) in Computer Science, Media Informatics or similar,
    • Experience in the development of dynamic web applications (PHP, Java Script, MySQL),
    • It would be an advantage to have experience in Python, R, Laravel, Vue.js, and server administration,
    • It would be an advantage to have experience in research projects,
    • It would be an advantage to have experience of cooperation with social sciences,
    • Interest in issues surrounding communication and media studies,
    • Willingness to participate in co-creation and open source development,
    • Very good knowledge of English (both written and spoken), high level of commitment and initiative, ability to work in a team, diligent and reliable working attitude.

    The University of Bremen is committed to increasing the share of women working in science and therefore expressly invites women to apply. Severely disabled applicants will be given priority if their professional and personal aptitudes are essentially the same. Applications from people with a migration background are also welcome.

    Questions should be directed to Dr. Leif Kramp (

    Applications with the usual supporting documents are requested by 15 October 2019, quoting the reference number A211/19, to the following address:

    Universität Bremen

    Centre for Media, Communication and Information Research (ZeMKI)

    Attn. Dr. Leif Kramp

    Post Box 33 04 40

    28334 Bremen

    or by e-mail:

    We ask you to send us only copies (not folders) of your application documents, as they cannot be returned. It is also not possible to reimburse any costs arising from your application or attendance at an interview.

    Download the job ad here:

  • 26.09.2019 13:18 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Comunicação e Sociedade

    Deadline: December 20, 2019

    Editors: Sara Pereira (CECS-UMinho, Portugal), Cristina Ponte (ICNova-UNL, Portugal) and Nelly Elias (Department of Communication Studies, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel)

    Over the last two decades, research into children, young people and the media has taken a considerable leap in terms of the number of studies produced, topics addressed and methodologies used. This area, given its multidisciplinary nature, has been affirmed in the field of Communication Sciences, marking the scientific agenda and opening public debate about the impact of the media on the lives of children and young people and how they use and appropriate information and produce media content. The digital age has created new media and platforms, generated a greater diversity of content, and raised different ways of access and distinct consumption and communication practices by this audience. This situation had generated new research challenges, providing new topics and new clues to study the media world and its action on the identities and cultures of children and young people.

    This issue of Comunicação e Sociedade, devoted to studies on children, youth and media, pays special attention to proposals for articles that result from scientific research work on the following topics:

    • Children and youth media cultures
    • Media and peer culture
    • Rights of children and young people in the digital age
    • Children and youth media practices
    • Children/youth and media in the family context
    • Children/youth and media in the school context
    • Media offer for children and young people
    • Media policy for children and young people
    • Children/youth, media, and health
    • Challenges to privacy in the age of big data
    • Media literacy


    • Full article submission deadline: 20 December 2019
    • Editor’s decision on full articles: 28 February 2020
    • Deadline for sending the full version and translated version: 01 April 2020
    • Issue publication date: June 2020


    Articles can be submitted in English or Portuguese. After the peer review process, the authors of the selected articles should ensure translation of the respective article, and the editors shall have the final decision on publication of the article.


    Comunicação e Sociedade is a peer-reviewed journal that uses a double blind review process. After submission, each paper will be distributed to two reviewers, previously invited to evaluate it, in terms of its academic quality, originality and relevance to the objectives and scope of the theme chosen for the journal’s current issue.

    Originals must be submitted via the journal’s website. If you are accessing Comunicação e Sociedade for the first time, you must register in order to submit your article (indications to register here):

    The guidelines for authors can be consulted here:

    For further information, please contact:

  • 26.09.2019 13:12 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Suffolk University, Boston

    Deadline: November 22, 2019

    Position 1: Assistant Professor of Journalism and Media, Tenure Track

    The Communication, Journalism and Media Department at Suffolk University invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position in Journalism and Media at the rank of Assistant Professor beginning July 1, 2020 (pending final budgetary approval).

    This position has a specific focus on the current status, character, and influence of news/journalism in a rapidly changing media environment. The ideal candidate will help further integrate the media and journalism majors in the department. Candidates should be able to teach and do research in one or more of the following areas: the news media and politics; journalism in an age of disinformation campaigns and fake news; the news media and digital activism. Successful candidates will be expected to direct a productive research program and publish their research in peer-reviewed journals.

    Candidates should provide evidence of commitment to excellent teaching and scholarly potential. Faculty responsibilities include a total teaching load of five courses per academic year. Service to the Department and the University through committee membership and student advising also is required. A Ph.D. in Communication and Journalism or in a related discipline must be in hand by July 1, 2020.

    Application should be made through the Suffolk HR website ( and should include the following elements:

    • letter of application
    • CV
    • graduate transcripts
    • statement of teaching philosophy
    • statement of research interest and published work and/or recent sample of professional work
    • sampling of course syllabi and recent student evaluations of teaching; 
    • three letters of reference (sent electronically to Maureen Dooley at

    Deadline for applications is November 22, 2019.

    Suffolk University is a private, comprehensive, urban university located in downtown Boston, and is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse community. Candidates from underrepresented groups are encouraged to apply. To learn more about Suffolk University visit our website at

    Position 2: Assistant Professor of Communication, Tenure Track

    The Communication, Journalism and Media Department at Suffolk University invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position at the rank of Assistant Professor beginning July 1, 2020 (pending final budgetary approval).

    This position is for a communication generalist with an emphasis on global and cultural communication. The ideal candidate should be able to teach introductory classes such as Introduction to Communication, Principles of Oral Communication, and Intercultural Communication. In addition, the candidate will teach upper-level classes that examine the role of communication across various cultures, meaning-making in a globalized world, and the role of culture in different forms of communication. Our Global and Cultural Communication program has an emphasis on social justice issues, which provides links to the other majors in our department and the university’s Global Cultural Studies interdisciplinary major. Successful candidates will be expected to direct a productive research program and publish their research in peer-reviewed journals.

    Candidates should provide evidence of commitment to excellent teaching and scholarly potential. Faculty responsibilities include a total teaching load of five courses per academic year. Service to the Department and the University through committee membership and student advising also is required. A Ph.D. in Communication and Journalism or in a related discipline must be in hand by July 1, 2020.

    Application should be made through the Suffolk HR website ( and should include the following elements:

    • letter of application
    • CV
    • graduate transcripts
    • statement of teaching philosophy
    • statement of research interest and published work and/or recent sample of professional work
    • sampling of course syllabi and recent student evaluations of teaching; 
    • three letters of reference (sent electronically to Maureen Dooley at

    Deadline for applications is November 22, 2019.

    Suffolk University is a private, comprehensive, urban university located in downtown Boston, and is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse community. Candidates from underrepresented groups are encouraged to apply. To learn more about Suffolk University visit our website at

    Position 3: Practitioner in Residence of Documentary Production, Three-year appointment

    The Communication, Journalism and Media Department at Suffolk University invites applications for a position in Documentary Production at the rank of Practitioner in Residence beginning July 1, 2020 (pending final budgetary approval). We seek a faculty member with significant professional experience in documentary production, allowing the department to focus its video production primarily on news/documentary and contribute to further integrating the journalism and the media/film programs.

    We invite candidates with undergraduate teaching experience and extensive professional experience in non-fiction video production and long form journalism/documentary production. The preferred candidate will be well versed in the skills, principles, and ethics of documentary production; preference will be given to candidates who are interested in social justice issues and/or issues with political significance. Candidates must be able to teach a variety of courses in production and visual storytelling in the Journalism and Media Majors. Courses include, but are not limited to, the following: introductory and advanced level production classes, visual aesthetics, editing (using AVID and Premiere) and post-production, as well as our capstone course in long form journalism/documentary production.

    Candidates should provide evidence of commitment to excellent teaching and professional experience with non-fiction/documentary production. Faculty responsibilities include a total teaching load of six courses per academic year, Service to the Department and the University through committee membership and student advising also is required. An advanced degree (MA, MFA or Ph.D.) in Communication, Journalism, Documentary or other relevant degree must be in hand by July 1, 2020.

    Application should be made through the Suffolk HR website ( and should include the following elements:

    • letter of application
    • CV
    • graduate transcripts
    • statement of teaching philosophy
    • statement of research interest and published work and/or recent sample of professional work
    • sampling of course syllabi and recent student evaluations of teaching; 
    • three letters of reference (sent electronically to Maureen Dooley at

    Deadline for applications is November 22, 2019.

    Suffolk University is a private, comprehensive, urban university located in downtown Boston, and is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse community. Candidates from underrepresented groups are encouraged to apply. To learn more about Suffolk University visit our website at

  • 26.09.2019 13:04 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    University of Colorado – College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

    Apply here

    The University of Colorado Denver l Anschutz Medical Campus seeks individuals with demonstrated commitment to creating an inclusive learning and working environment. We value the ability to engage effectively with students, faculty and staff of diverse backgrounds.

    The Department of Communication at the University of Colorado Denver (CU Denver) invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track position in Environmental Communication and Social Justice at the Assistant Professor level. The position begins in August of 2020.

    The University of Colorado Denver | Anschutz Medical Campus is an urban research university in Colorado serving more than 18,000 students enrolled in 18 schools and colleges located on two campuses in the Denver metropolitan area. Forty-four percent of our diverse undergraduate student body come from underrepresented populations, and approximately 50% of first-year students are first-generation college students. The downtown Denver campus is situated in one of America’s most vibrant urban centers with access to a wide array of academic, professional, cultural, and recreational outlets. The CU Anschutz Medical Campus in nearby Aurora features world-class research, educational, and clinical facilities. With a solid academic reputation, award-winning faculty and renowned researchers, the University of Colorado Denver offers more than 100 highly rated degree programs and awards more than 4,600 degrees each year. The university currently receives more than $400 million in combined direct and indirect sponsored program expenditures.

    The Department of Communication is one of the largest majors in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences on the downtown campus. It offers BA, MA, and online degrees and certificate programs. The Department serves approximately 500 majors, 100 minors, and 25 MA students. It also offers a BA program at the International College Beijing in China, where opportunities to teach exist. The Department is staffed with colleagues whose work falls largely in the rhetorical and critical/cultural traditions.

    Tenure-track faculty members perform research and service consistent with peer research universities and teach on a 2/2 load.

    The primary research and teaching focus of this position will fall within environmental communication and social justice. The successful candidate will show clear and sustained connections in research, teaching, and service to the Department’s mission: “to cultivate the knowledge and ability to use communication to create a more equitable and humane world.” This means we seek a colleague with expertise and experience in using environmental communication to work toward social justice, ideally in collaboration with community partners.

    Preference will be given to candidates whose work in environmental communication and justice studies (climate, environmental and social) centrally addresses issues related to the Global South, indigenous communities, marginalized voices, and/or intersectional identities (including but not limited to class, gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, and ability).

    Salary and Benefits:

    Salary is commensurate with skills and experience. The University of Colorado offers a full benefits package. Information on University benefits programs, including eligibility, is located at Employee Services.

    University of Colorado Denver | Anschutz Medical Campus is dedicated to ensuring a safe and secure environment for our faculty, staff, students and visitors. To assist in achieving that goal, we conduct background checks for all new employees prior to their employment.

    The Immigration Reform and Control Act requires that verification of employment eligibility be documented for all new employees by the end of the third day of work. Alternative formats of this ad are available upon request for persons with disabilities.

    Your total compensation goes beyond the number on your paycheck. The University of Colorado provides generous leave, health plans and retirement contributions that add to your bottom line.


    Total Compensation Calculator:

    Diversity and Equity:

    Please click here for information on disability accommodations:

    The University of Colorado Denver | Anschutz Medical Campus is committed to recruiting and supporting a diverse student body, faculty and administrative staff. The university strives to promote a culture of inclusiveness, respect, communication and understanding. We encourage applications from women, ethnic minorities, persons with disabilities and all veterans. The University of Colorado is committed to diversity and equality in education and employment.



    The Department strongly prefers candidates with a Ph.D. in Communication (or a related discipline); however, candidates who are ABD with significant progress on the dissertation will also be considered. Applicants are expected to have defended their dissertation on or before August 1, 2020.


    The Department is also especially interested in candidates who conduct research in international arenas and whose research methods and expertise complement one or more of the department's existing pathways:

    • Community service & Public Affairs
    • Global and Intercultural Communication
    • Health Communication
    • Media and Cultural studies
    • Strategic Communication

    Additional preferred qualities include a demonstrated history of producing significant scholarship, evidence of superior teaching, and the potential for leadership in departmental, campus, and disciplinary service.

    Special Instructions to Applicants: Review of applications will commence October 15, 2019, and will continue until the position is filled. Candidates with questions about this job description are invited to contact search chair, Dr. Larry Erbert at

    Application Materials Required: Cover Letter, Resume/CV, List of References, Statement of Teaching Philosophy, Additional Attachments - Refer to Application Materials Instructions Below

    Application Materials Instructions:

    Applications are accepted electronically at CU Careers, refer to requisition ID: 17241

    When applying applicants must include:

    • A letter of application
    • Curriculum Vitae
    • The names and contact information of at least three references
    • Two samples of scholarly activity
    • A teaching statement
    • One sample syllabus

    Please be advised that the University does check references as part of the employment process.

    Please do not submit any of your application material (via email) to the job posting contact.

    Job Category: Faculty

    Primary Location: Denver

    Department: U0001 -- DENVER & ANSCHUTZ MED CAMPUS - 30095 - CLAS-Communication

    Schedule: Full-time

    Posting Date: Sep 20, 2019

    Unposting Date: Ongoing

    Posting Contact Name: Larry Erbert

    Posting Contact Email:

    Position Number: 00648531

  • 26.09.2019 12:54 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Tampere University

    Deadline: October 30, 2019

    The higher education community of Tampere University and Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Finland’s second largest multidisciplinary higher education institution, places its faith in the human potential and scientific knowledge. In this community of 35,000 people, leading specialists are addressing pressing global issues, inspired by the challenge of making changes in the world. The spearheads of our research and learning are technology, health and society.

    We are now seeking three assistant professors, associate professors or full professors in the fields of Communication Studies and Journalism Studies.

    The positions will be placed in the Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences at Tampere University. The Communication Sciences Unit of the faculty conducts research that delves into our increasingly digital media landscape and the role of communication technologies in reshaping not only our thoughts and sensibilities but also our relations with others. Our three research centres (COMET, TRIM and T7) create new knowledge of the impact of publicity, gamification and theatre on our society and culture. Students admitted to our multidisciplinary degree programme in communication acquire a broad base of knowledge and go on to pursue careers in journalism, media research, information research and (communication. Our degree programme in theatre arts brings together artistic, professional and societal perspectives.

    Job description

    • Position 1: tenure track position in Communication Studies

    The importance of communication is increasing at all levels of society. Especially our need and opportunities for human interaction and the impact of such interaction is growing. Technological advances and the evolution of social media not only create new opportunities but also new challenges for human communication and interaction. Our online and offline worlds are becoming increasingly intertwined. Technology is opening up new forms and spaces for public debate, and organisations everywhere are placing an increasing emphasis on communications. More and more jobs require strong communication competence. We are also more aware of the importance of human interaction for our personal and professional relationships. Our changing world requires communication professionals to acquire new competencies and is also creating new jobs in the field. The core mission of education and research in the field of communication studies is to respond to these needs and challenges.

    We are looking for a motivated and accomplished academic with a track record of research in human communication and interaction. Candidates will be expected to be familiar with research methods in the field as well as theories relating to group communication, public speaking, interpersonal communications or the development of communication competence either from the perspective to face-to-face communication or computer mediated communication. Being familiar with the Finnish communication culture will be considered an advantage.

    • Position 2 and 3: tenure track position in Journalism Studies, 2 positions

    The role of journalism in disseminating information is changing and becoming increasingly important in our society. New media platforms are reshaping the nature of interaction between journalists and their audiences. Global societal challenges, such as climate change, migration trends and political polarisation are also imposing new demands on journalism, public discussion and the dissemination of information.

    Addressing these challenges will be a long-term mission for research and education in journalism. Two questions illustrate this mission: What challenges will the changes in our society and communication environment create for the journalistic profession, especially for journalistic expertise and ethics? How will these changes affect the role and status of journalism in society?

    We are looking for two accomplished academics with experience of research and education in journalism from a social scientific standpoint. The two positions will focus on the following themes, respectively:

    Position 2: The journalistic profession and changes therein

    The challenges relating to the future of journalism and the development of journalism must be studied from the perspective of the entire profession. How will be ongoing changes open up new possibilities for the development of journalism? For example, real-time reporting and the transition to digital journalism are imposing new demands on journalists and forcing them to find new ways to interact with their audiences. Considering journalists’ professional role, status and credibility, it is important to foster increasingly open interaction with different stakeholders. This requires the active development of professional practices, critical research and the ability to respond to new ethical challenges. When considering candidates, being familiar with the journalistic field in Finland and fluency in the Finnish language will be appreciated.

    Position 3: The roles of journalism in society and changes therein

    To understand the opportunities that are opening up for journalism, we must explore the role of journalism in the context of broader changes in our societal structures, institutions and the concept of agency. Journalism plays a key role in public decision-making and in upholding democratic values. Journalism reflects society but is also an essential part of policy-making, economy, civic society and the interactions between them. The study of these processes will shed light not only on journalism itself but also on the societal institutions that embrace journalism as an integral part of their activities and operational environment.

    All the successful candidates will be expected to:

    • carry out and lead scientific research
    • engage in research-based teaching, supervise students, participate in curriculum development and manage and develop these activities
    • acquire research funding
    • actively participate in societal engagement activities and collaborate with external stakeholders


    Assistant Professor

    We require:

    • an applicable doctoral degree
    • the ability to undertake independent scholarly activity and potential to pursue scholarly activity at a high international level of excellence
    • teaching skills required to successfully perform the duties and functions of the position.

    Associate Professor

    We require:

    • an applicable doctoral degree
    • a track record of independent scholarly activity
    • teaching skills required to successfully perform the duties and functions of the position
    • the ability to lead a research group and acquire external funding
    • a track record of international scholarly or artistic activity.


    We require:

    • an applicable doctoral degree
    • high-level scholarly expertise
    • experience of leading scientific research
    • the ability to provide high-quality research-based education and instruction
    • a track record of winning external research funding
    • a track record of international scholarly or artistic activity

    We are looking for candidates whose profile aligns with the strategy of Tampere University and the Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences and who have experience of multidisciplinary research. Ideally, for more senior level appointments, you will have experience of leading or making a major contribution to a research group. You will need to be fluent in English to be able to perform the duties and functions of the position. Fluent Finnish will be considered an advantage.

    We offer

    Initial appointment as an assistant professor and associate professor will be for five years. Subject to successful performance, you will become a tenured faculty member at the end of the first five-year period. You will be well-supported throughout the five-year period to ease your transition to a tenured position. Full professors will hold a permanent appointment from the outset. A trial period of six months applies to all our new employees.

    Salaries are based on the job demands and on employees’ personal performance in accordance with the Finnish University Salary System. The starting salary range will be from €4,000 to €4,200/month for an assistant professor, from €4,600 to €4,900/month for an associate professor and from €5,600 to €5,800/month for a professor. A higher salary may be agreed upon based on the successful candidate’s experience and/or performance.

    Please read more about working at Tampere University. You can also find out more about our University and working and living Tampere by watching our video: Tampere Higher Education Community - our academic playground.

    Finland provides one of the most advanced and comprehensive social security in the world. It includes for example sickness benefits, various family benefits and a comprehensive healthcare system. For more information on Finland, please check InfoFinland and This is Finland.

    How to apply

    Please submit your application through our online recruitment system. The closing date for applications is 30 October 2019 (at 23.59 EEST, GMT+3 / 20.59 UTC).

    Please write your application and all accompanying documents in English and attach them in PDF format. Applications should include the following documents:

    • Curriculum Vitae according to TENK guidelines
    • List of publications according to Academy of Finland guidelines. Please indicate your ten most important publications and include links to them.
    • Teaching portfolio (including your teaching and supervisory experience, development of teaching skills, produced teaching materials, your views on teaching and learning in the field)
    • A letter of application in which you set out the reasons why you are applying for the post and why you are particularly suited to it (max. 1-2 pages)
    • A research plan (max. 5 pages)
    • The names, positions and contact details of two referees who can support your application.

    Candidates may be invited for a video interview during the first stage of the recruitment process. The most qualified candidates will be invited to Tampere University for an interview and may undergo an aptitude assessment. They will also undergo a review by external experts and may be required to give a demonstration of their teaching skills.

    For more information, please contact:

    Communication Studies, Professor Pekka Isotalus (tel. +358 503 951 173,

    Journalism Studies, Professor Janne Seppänen (tel. +358 504 201 493,

    With questions about the application process, please contact:

    HR Partner Eveliina Nurmi (tel. +358401981825,

    *Application period starts: 2019-09-20 11:00

    *Application period ends: 2019-10-30 23:59

  • 19.09.2019 20:23 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    February 27-28, 2020

    Houston, Texas (USA)

    Deadline for extended abstracts: November 22, 2019

    While the economic, political, cultural and social transformations brought about by the rise of digital technologies, particularly in the media and telecommunications sectors, are visible all over the world, it is in African countries that they are projected to have the biggest impact in coming years. Africa, particularly Sub-Saharan Africa, has one of the fastest growing number of internet and mobile users in the world.

    In many parts of the continent, access to information and communication technologies (ICTs) has been seen as an opportunity to “leapfrog”, a concept that the World Bank defines as making “a quick jump in economic development” by adopting technological innovation. This is exemplified by the success of African startups like Ushahidi, a crowdsourcing mapping tool created in Kenya, or Jumia, Nigeria’s number 1 online retailer; the recent opening of Google’s Africa AI center in Ghana; and the ever-growing presence of mobile payment and banking across the continent. Digital communication technologies have also been used strategically by citizens in the continent to engage in grassroots political movements that have toppled long-time rulers, led to (sometimes short-lived) regime changes, and brought about changes in legislation.

    The fast growth of digitally enabled communications and services has also brought challenges for the continent. For example, well-before the notion of “fake news” became a buzzword in U.S. politics, many African nations, from South Africa to Gabon or Nigeria, were targets of large-scale misinformation campaigns over social media such as WhatsApp and Facebook. Additionally, young, highly-educated, and digitally-savvy graduates in many African countries have been employed by transnational tech companies such as Facebook for data processing in what some authors describe as digital sweatshops. The positive and negative impacts of this technological revolution are therefore important to consider.

    Because African countries, their people, and their mediated interactions remain understudied in the fields of media and communication, especially in Western countries, the “@frica: digital media conference” invites extended abstracts (800-1,000 words) that examine the transformations and disruptions of digital media in African countries.

    Specifically, but not exclusively, we invite contributions that explore any of the following questions:

    • What methodological challenges exist in studying digital media use (such as social media and/or mobile communications) in Africa?
    • What theoretical frameworks, constructs and paradigms are best suited to study transformations and disruptions of digital media in Africa?
    • How has social media been used by African political actors, social movements and grassroots activists and to what effect?
    • What are the roots, consequences and differences between countries of existing disparities in access to digital media in Africa?
    • How are digital technologies influencing, complementing, and/or superseding journalistic practices in Africa?
    • How does the sharing economy (e.g. Uber, Upwork…) transform and/or reinforce social norms, values, practices, structure and culture in Africa?
    • What are the prevailing regulatory frameworks that affect digital media use in Africa?
    • What socio-economic, cultural and economic factors shape the adoption, diffusion and appropriation of digital technologies in Africa?

    The deadline to submit extended abstracts is November 22, 2019. To submit an extended abstract, please go to

    You will need to create an account to make a submission.

    The organizers will notify by email the authors of accepted extended abstracts by December 6, 2019. Authors will be expected to submit full papers by February 2, 2020.

    The “@frica: digital media conference” will accept a limited number of virtual presentations, in which authors who are unable to travel to Houston, will be able to present their work and get feedback from the audience virtually. Authors who wish to be considered for one of the virtual presentation slots should indicate their preference when submitting their extended abstracts.

    A selection of accepted papers will be included in a Special Issue of the Journal of African Media Studies to be published in 2020. Only accepted papers that are presented at the conference will be considered for the Special Issue.

    Questions about the conference and the Call for Papers can be sent to

  • 19.09.2019 13:11 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Cardiff School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies

    Deadline: October 18, 2019

    Apply here

    Two posts to conduct research and provide administrative support to an AHRC funded project entitled Countering disinformation: enhancing journalistic legitimacy in public service media

    The posts are full time and fixed term for 24 months.

    Salary: £33,797 - £40,322 per annum (Grade 6), the salary for each post will not exceed £36,261.

    Date Advert Posted: Wednesday, 18 September 2019

    Closing date: Friday, 18 October 2019

    Please be aware that Cardiff University reserves the right to close this vacancy early should sufficient applications be received.

    Cardiff University is committed to supporting and promoting equality and diversity and to creating an inclusive working environment. We believe this can be achieved through attracting, developing, and retaining a diverse range of staff from many different backgrounds who have the ambition to create a University which seeks to fulfil our social, cultural and economic obligation to Cardiff, Wales, and the world. In supporting our employees to achieve a balance between their work and their personal lives, we will also consider proposals for flexible working or job share arrangements.

    Job Description


    • To conduct quantitative and qualitative research on countering political disinformation in public service media, including content analysis and/or focus groups and interviews.
    • To undertake administrative tasks associated with the research project, including project planning, progress updates and dissemination.
    • To review and synthesise existing literature within the field, including academic research and policy documents.
    • To present research at national and international conferences/industry seminars as appropriate.
    • To create and nurture relevant research networks to include academics, alternative media and mainstream media editors and journalists, as well as media policy makers in order to pursue opportunities for collaboration and dissemination.
    • To assist with organising workshops and events associated with the research project together with the PI and Co-I.
    • To co-publish in high quality peer-reviewed international journals.
    • To assist with management of the project website and social media accounts.
    • To participate in School research activities.


    • To contribute to the School and the enhancement of its regional, national and international profile.
    • To undergo professional development that is appropriate to the post and which will enhance the post holders’ research and project management skills.
    • Any other duties not included above, but consistent with the role of research assistant.

    Person Specification

    Essential Criteria

    Qualifications and Education

    1. Postgraduate degree at PhD level in a related subject area (or a submitted PhD not yet examined) or relevant industrial experience.

    Knowledge, Skills and Experience

    2. An established expertise and proven portfolio of research and/or relevant industrial experience, which relates to debates about political disinformation in at least one of the following research fields:

    • Journalism Studies
    • Political Communication

    3. Proven ability to generate academic peer reviewed outputs and/or industry reports and/or policy briefings in one of the areas identified above.

    4. Evidence of knowledge and understanding of debates about how political disinformation is –or could be – countered by UK public service media.

    5. Proven ability to conduct quantitative and qualitative research in content analysis, focus groups and interviews, or in either content analysis or focus groups and interviews

    6. Evidence of project administration.

    Communication and Team Working

    7. Proven ability in effective and persuasive communication, particularly with industry and policy-makers.

    8. Proven ability to demonstrate creativity and innovation, particularly in the dissemination of research.

    9. Proven ability to work independently and supervise the work of others to focus team efforts and motivate individuals as part of a small research team.

    Desirable Criteria

    10. Evidence of innovative collaboration with journalism industry and/or media policy-makers.

    11. Experience of using NVivo software to analyse interview data.

    12. Experience of using SPSS to analyse media content analysis data.

    13. Experience of managing a research project website (e.g. WordPress) and a social media account (e.g. Twitter).

    Additional Information

    Countering disinformation: enhancing journalistic legitimacy in public service media is an AHRC funded project that will examine the production and output of disinformation reporting in UK news media, as well as how audiences understand and engage with it. We aim to work with leading news organisations to enhance their disinformation reporting and, ultimately, raise public knowledge and understanding of public affairs.

    The post holder will report directly to the PI and will support the PI and Co-I by reviewing the academic and policy literature about countering disinformation, carrying out content analysis of news and/or focus groups with news users, as well as interviews with journalists and editors. He/She will also help co-publish work in high-quality journals, and assist with dissemination and impact activities including conferences and other public outputs.

    Salary Range: 33,797-40,322

    Job Category: Academic - Research

    Grade: Grade 6




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