European Communication Research
and Education Association

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  • 30.05.2019 18:54 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Cardiff School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies

    Deadline: June 7, 2019


    Teaching & Scholarship

    To contribute to the development of the School’s provision in data journalism, delivering high-quality scholarship-led teaching at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. To pursue excellence in teaching and pedagogy and to inspire others to do the same. To supervise students and to carry out administrative duties within the work area as required.

    This post is full-time and open-ended.

    Salary: £42,036 - £48,677 per annum (Grade 7)

    Date advert posted: Wednesday, 22 May 2019

    Closing date: Friday, 7 June 2019

    Please be aware that Cardiff University reserves the right to close this vacancy early should sufficient applications be received.

    Cardiff University is committed to supporting and promoting equality and diversity and to creating an inclusive working environment. We believe this can be achieved through attracting, developing, and retaining a diverse range of staff from many different backgrounds who have the ambition to create a University which seeks to fulfil our social, cultural and economic obligation to Cardiff, Wales, and the world. In supporting our employees to achieve a balance between their work and their personal lives, we will also consider proposals for flexible working or job share arrangements.

    Job Description


    • To independently contribute to module and curriculum development and lead modules across undergraduate and postgraduate levels, inspiring students, in the areas of best practise on digital platforms, including Data Journalism..
    • To identify, develop and facilitate opportunities for curriculum innovations and enhancements, including;

    1) helping with new provision for course development

    2) enhancing existing modules and programmes and evaluating the impact of innovations as appropriate

    3) Review on a regular basis course content and materials, updating when required

    • To contribute to the co-ordinatorship of the JOMEC component (50 percent) of the MSc in Computational and Data Journalism, ensuring delivery of teaching in line with current curricular requirements, developing and applying appropriate teaching techniques and material which create interest, understanding and enthusiasm amongst students.
    • To undertake work associated with examinations, such as setting and marking assessments and providing student feedback
    • To act as a Personal Tutor and provide pastoral support to students, including supervising the work of Undergraduate and Master’s students, and post-graduate research student support as appropriate


    • To undertake educational research in data journalism, pedagogical evaluation and scholarly activity, leading to publications
    • To participate in conferences, seminars and other academic and professional forums to disseminate the results of one’s own scholarship


    • To engage effectively with data journalism-related stakeholders, including industrial, commercial and public sector organisations, professional institutions, other academic institutions etc., regionally and nationally and internationally, to raise awareness of the School’s profile, to cultivate strategically valuable alliances, and to pursue opportunities for collaboration across a range of activities. These activities are expected to contribute to the School and the enhancement of its external profile
    • Any other duties not included above, but consistent with the role.

    Person Specification

    Essential Criteria

    Qualifications and Education

    1. Postgraduate degree at PhD level in a related subject area or relevant industrial experience

    2. Postgraduate Certificate in University Teaching and Learning or equivalent qualification or experience

    Knowledge, Skills and Experience

    3. Teaching experience, demonstrating learning innovation and course development and design

    4. Growing reputation for data journalism education

    5. Some experience or understanding of computational journalism and coding

    Pastoral, Communication and Team Working

    6. Excellent communication skills with the ability to disseminate complex and conceptual ideas clearly and confidently to others using high level skills and a range of media

    7. The ability to provide appropriate pastoral support to students, appreciate the needs of individual students and their circumstances and to act as a personal tutor.


    8. Proven ability to demonstrate creativity, innovation and team working within work

    Desirable Criteria

    1. Relevant professional qualification(s).

    2. Evidence of collaborations with industry.

    3. Proven ability to adapt to the changing requirements of the Higher Education community.

    4. Evidence of ability to participate in and develop both internal and external networks and utilise them to enhance the teaching and research activities of the School.

    5. Proven record of taking responsibility for academically related administration.

    6. Experience of cross disciplinary working

    Apply here.

  • 30.05.2019 18:48 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Edited book 

    Deadline: June 28, 2019

    We are looking for abstracts for an edited collection, provisionally entitled Mothers and Motherhood: Negotiating the international audio- visual industry. This question of how women reconcile care-work with formal work and qualitative insights into mothers’ experiences in the audio -visual industry, is under-researched in international production studies literature; something that this collection seeks to address.

    Chapters will explore the gendered challenges facing mothers and the attempts they make to address those challenges in order to sustain their working lives.

    Areas of inquiry could include, but are not limited to, maternity leave, returning to work, the challenges of balancing motherhood with work at various ages of child development, motherhood and industrial practices, women who leave work because of care-work demands, the concealment o maternal status in the workplace, the rejection of motherhood by women who prioritize their careers, women who ‘missed’ motherhood for a variety of reasons, motherhood as a barrier to career progression and successful interventions by the industry to facilitate mothers.

    It is anticipated that this book will make a valuable contribution to international debates on equality, mothers and motherhood. It is expected that it will facilitate scholars, students, activists, policy makers and practitioners in understanding the impact of motherhood on the engagement of women in the industry across the globe.

    We have received a strong expression of interest from an international publishers who is awaiting the submission of a full proposal.

    Potential contributors should send us a detailed 300 word abstract and a short bio by 28 June 2019. The estimated timeframe for the completed first draft of approx. 6,000 words is November 30, 2019.

    Please send abstracts and queries to: Susan Liddy, Department Media and Communication Studies, MIC. or Anne O Brien Department of Media Studies, Maynooth University.

  • 30.05.2019 18:43 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Special Issue of The International Journal of Press/Politics

    Deadline: December 15, 2019

    Guest editors: Erik Bucy (, Texas Tech University Jungseock Joo (, University of California at Los Angeles

    Images are both ubiquitous and consequential in contemporary politics. The rise of images in politics parallels the rise of images in society as icons of socio-political messaging, vessels of persuasive intent, and efficient carriers of social information for citizens of increasingly harried societies. From television coverage of campaigns and elections to visual memes and images of leaders circulated on social media, visual portrayals shape perceptions of the political world. When used strategically, visual portrayals hold the capacity to frame issues, candidates, and causes in a particular light and affect the acceptance or rejection of social policies. As representations of public opinion and leadership, political images influence issue understanding and motivate citizens to action.

    Political visuals are potent in part because they do not require conventional literacy to apprehend and operate at both an individual and cultural level. From an information processing perspective, political images are highly efficient carriers of social and symbolic information that is quickly assessed, rapidly judged, and readily remembered. In news coverage, candidate portrayals and event depictions may crystallize sentiment among the viewing public and alternately inspire increased involvement or disenchantment with politics. Culturally, images can act as icons of social solidarity or political isolation, serving to mainstream or marginalize individuals, groups, and causes. The polysemic quality of images opens them to diverse interpretation, depending on the viewer’s orientation.

    As forms of information, political images are not only open to interpretation but are also susceptible to digital manipulation. Image shading, facial blending, digital editing, and other alterations of political materials can have persuasive effects on audiences, raising troubling ethical concerns. More recently, the mass spread of “deepfakes”, i.e., manipulated video recordings, threatens to undermine the authenticity of recorded candidate communication and further confuse unsuspecting viewers, already buffeted by fabricated visual memes and text-based disinformation campaigns.

    These and related considerations make the systematic study of political visuals and their effects necessary and urgent. Despite renewed interest in visual analysis within political communication, images remain an understudied feature of the contemporary political media landscape. This special issue of The International Journal of Press/Politics therefore invites original research conducted in any methodological tradition that fits the theme of “Visual Politics.” In this special issue, we hope to highlight new possibilities for theory development, methodological innovation, and cross-national approaches to advance the study of visual political communication.


    • Possible topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
    • The influence of political images in digital campaigns, including comparisons between online messaging, social media strategies, and more traditional forms of political advertising
    • The role of visual messaging in disinformation efforts, whether used to confuse, incite resentment, or demotivate potential voter or citizen involvement
    • Computational analysis of large-scale visual datasets to detect patterns of coverage or behavior not evident in smaller, hand-coded projects
    • Integrated or comparative analysis of multimodal cues in political messages and their synergistic or differential impacts on viewer perceptions
    • Visual analysis of protest and collection action, including visual framing of activism or demonstrations as well as visual memes circulated on social media
    • Cross-national comparisons of visual news framing of politics or protest and its reception by audiences
    • Viewer reception of newer visual technologies such as 360-degree video cameras to depict campaign events, demonstrations, marches, or other collective actions
    • Visual depictions of populist and fringe political actors, including signature gestures and nonverbal displays, expressive range, or performative repertoires
    • Effects of nonverbal aggression, norm violations, and other transgressive candidate behavior on viewers of political programming
    • Visual measures of negative advertising, incivility, “in your face”-style of candidate interaction, or other normatively fraught political communication styles
    • Visual analysis of hate speech and white nationalism, including identifiable signs and symbols as identified by the Anti-Defamation League and other watchdogs
    • The role of viewer orientations (e.g., ideology, partisanship, political interest, age cohort, moral outlook, geographical situatedness, issue attitudes) in shaping political image interpretations and message efficacy
    • The role of visual content in explaining patterns of news sharing on social media
    • The use of visuals in emerging genres of political campaign communication, whether mini-documentaries, mash-up advertising, candidate-generated videos, or political selfies.


    Manuscript submissions for this special issue are due on 15 December 2019.

    Please submit your work through our online submission portal and ensure that the first line of the cover letter states: “Manuscript to be considered for the special issue on Visual Politics”. Manuscripts should follow the IJPP submission guidelines. Submissions will be subject to a double-blind peer review process and must not have been published, accepted for publication, or under consideration for publication elsewhere.

    Authors interested in submitting their work are encouraged to contact the guest editors, Erik Bucy ( and Jungseock Joo ( with questions.


    • Paper submissions: 15 December 2019
    • First decision: 15 February 2020
    • Paper revisions: 15 April 2020
    • Final decision: 15 May 2020
    • Online publication: July 2020
    • Print publication: October 2020
  • 30.05.2019 18:39 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Call for book proposals 

    We would be delighted to receive proposals for single-authored or edited  volumes that examine educational media in their cultural and  socio-political contexts. We endeavour to publish one book each year  open access. If you are interested or have any questions, please contact 

    The blurb: 

    There is no education without some form of media. Much contemporary  writing on media and education examines best practices or individual  learning processes, is fired by techno-optimism or techno-pessimism  about young people’s use of technology, or focuses exclusively on  digital media. An emerging body of studies is attending – empirically  and conceptually – to the embeddedness of educational media in  contemporary cultural, social and political processes. The Palgrave  Studies in Educational Media series explores textbooks and other  educational media as sites of cultural contestation and socio-political  forces. Drawing on local and global perspectives, and attending to the  digital, non-digital and post-digital, the series explores how these  media are entangled with broader continuities and changes in today’s  society, with how media and media practices play a role in shaping  identifications, subjectivations, inclusions and exclusions, economies  and global political projects. Including single authored and edited  volumes, it offers a dedicated space which brings together research from  across the academic disciplines. The series aims to provide a valuable  and accessible resource for researchers, students, teachers, teacher  trainers, textbook authors and educational media designers interested in  critical and contextualising approaches to the media used in education. 

    Series Editors: 

    Eckhardt Fuchs and Felicitas Macgilchrist

    International Advisory Board: 

    • Michael Apple, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA 
    • Tânia Maria F. Braga Garcia, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brasil 
    • Eric Bruillard, ENS de Cachan, France 
    • Nigel Harwood, University of Sheffield, UK 
    • Heather Mendick, Independent Scholar, UK 
    • Eugenia Roldán Vera, CINVESTAV Mexico City 
    • Neil Selwyn, Monash University, Australia 
    • Yasemin Soysal, University of Essex, UK 
  • 30.05.2019 18:35 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Call for edited collection

    Deadline: June 30, 2019

    In 1963 /Doctor Who /began with the purported intention of using drama  to teach science. Since then it has inspired many people to pursue  scientific careers and the science presented in it has lived on in new  contexts from stage shows to the classroom. The program is now the  world’s longest running science fiction series. The recent re-casting of  the title role with a female actor has served to reinvigorate its global  popularity and interest, in part because some commentators see the  Doctor as a scientist role model. 

    At different times /Doctor Who/’s production personnel have been from  science backgrounds (1960s writer Kit Pedler), been avid readers of /New  Scientist /(1970s producer Barry Letts) or wanting to make ‘hard  science’ the substance of drama (1980s script editor Christopher H.  Bidmead). Others have been more cavalier, and science can be either  surface dressing or essential to the plot. The extent to which the central character has reinforced her or his role and credentials as a  scientist has varied across decades. Scientific dialogue can be  scrupulously researched or careless nonsense. The science fiction in the  show can be derivative from the genre (traction beams, teleporters) or  novel. 

    This collection is to pull together the latest research into a volume  that examines the dramatic use and possibly abuse of science in /Doctor  Who/ and how it characterises, celebrates or terrifies with science. 

    Advice for contributors

    This edited collection is under contract with McFarland.  This call for papers is for abstracts of up to 250 words explaining the  focus and approach the contributor/s’ chapter will take. 

    Contributions can consider any of the show’s different incarnations  (1963-1989, 1996, 2005-), its spin-off television series and other  Doctor Who media such as novels and audio plays. Contributions  addressing how Doctor Whohas been used to promote public engagement  with science, including through exhibitions in science museums and  popular science works, are also welcome. 

    Contributors might like to consider the social, political, ideological,  cultural and economic aspects of science as a way to approach the series  and its content, as well as its depictions of scientist characters and  scientific knowledge. 

    The proposed volume is intended to be scholarly but accessible in tone  and approach. Each contribution should be 6000-8000 words all inclusive.  We cannot accept contributions that require the reproduction of images  unless you already hold the rights to reproduce them. 

    Suggested reading and key documents are available at 

    Email abstracts to both  and  by 30 June 2019. 

    About the editors

    Associate Professor Marcus Harmes is author of /Doctor Who and the Art  of Adaptation /(2013) and /Roger Delgado:/ /I am Usually Referred to as  the Master / (2017) and contributed chapters to /Doctor Who and Race/,  Doctor Who and History/ and /Time and Relative Dimensions in Faith/. He  is the author of numerous studies on popular culture, science fiction  and the history of British television. 

    Dr Lindy Orthia is a senior lecturer in science communication whose  research interests include studies of science in popular fiction. She  has published extensively on representations of science in /Doctor Who/,  examining intersections in the program between science and politics,  ethics, gender, race and environmental disaster. She is the editor of  /Doctor Who and Race/ (2013). 

  • 30.05.2019 18:32 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    September 17, 2019

    Department of Theatre, Film & Television, University of York

    Deadline: June 28, 2019


    Professor Martin Barker (Aberystwyth University)

    Dr Kirsty Sedgman (University of Bristol)

    Audience research is a growing area in many diverse areas of study, from film, television and theatre to music, communications media and gaming. As a developing and inherently interdisciplinary area of academic study, the methodological components of audience research are constantly evolving, inviting innovative approaches to methodologies. This form of research is notoriously demanding, presenting ethical, epistemological and practical issues that need to be considered before any research can begin to take place. Given both the fast-moving and demanding nature of audience research, it is therefore more than usually suited to input and support from cross-disciplinary researchers, who can share their own experiences and practices. However, whilst collaboration within subject areas is more common, there is little opportunity for researchers working with audiences from different cultural practices to come together and share their practice and experiences.

    This one-day conference will bring together academics and researchers from across the disciplines of film and television, media and communications, theatre and performance studies to present their research approaches and share their processes and their experiences. The organisers invite people working in the area of audience research in any field to submit proposals for 20 minute papers, or other forms of presentation. We strongly encourage proposals from postgraduate researchers and early career researchers; however, all are welcome to apply. Presentations on any form of audience research are welcome, but a particular focus on methodological issues or innovations is encouraged.

    Subjects for proposals may include the following topics (although all aspects of audience research will be considered):

    • Considerations of how audiences find meaning in the works that they see, and the relationship this has to the intended meaning of the producer.
    • Marginalised or under-researched audiences and the ways in which their feedback might challenge hegemonic ideas about cultural products and audience reception.
    • The reception of specific art forms or genres and audience expectations of these.
    • Cultural differences in the reception of the same product.
    • Artist and audience communication, and ways in which audiences can feed into the creative process
    • The place of cultural intermediaries in shaping audience experience.
    • Reflections on collaborative audience research, considering the role of partners and gatekeepers, means of knowledge exchange and collaborative learning.
    • Innovative or emerging audience research methodologies, and how we can make our research accessible and meaningful to participants
    • How audience research might better drive sectoral change and impact on arts, culture and creative industries policy

    Proposals should be no more than 300 words, accompanied by an author biography of no more than 100 words. In order to allow us to make the event as inclusive as possible, we would encourage potential presenters to inform us of any particular access requirements they might have, as well as any specific AV requirements they require for their presentation.

    Please send proposals or any enquiries to Shelley Anne Galpin ( ) and Emma McDowell ( ).

    The closing date for proposals is Friday 28th June 2019. Contributors will be notified by mid-July.

    Registration will open June 2019 and is £40 (£25 for early bird registration by Friday 16th August). We are able to offer bursaries of £30 to a limited number of PGRs / unwaged researchers as a contribution towards travel costs. We also encourage anyone with specific access needs to get in touch with the conference organisers, to ensure we are able to make the event as inclusive and accessible as possible.

    For more details on any of the information above, or anything else to do with the conference, do get in touch with Shelley Anne Galpin ( ) and/or Emma McDowell ( ).

    Follow the conference on Twitter: @across_audience

    This conference is organised by Shelley Anne Galpin (University of York) and Emma McDowell (University of Leeds) and is funded generously by the White Rose College of Arts & Humanities (WRoCAH) as a Student Led Forum, the Arts & Humanities Research Council and the University of York.

  • 30.05.2019 18:28 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Special issue of Interactions: Studies in Communication & Culture

    Deadline extended: June 15, 2019

    Guest Editors: Annamária Neag and Richard Berger (Bournemouth University, UK)

    Discussions on the relationship between children & youth and (social) media have predominantly focused on issues involving online safety, self-image, media use and media literacy (e.g. Canty et al, 2016; Hoge & Bickham, 2017; Livingstone et al, 2017; Nikkon & Schols, 2015;). However, less attention has been cast on the mediated experiences of children and youth in what we call ‘in between spaces’. These ‘in between’ spaces can be both physical (e.g. migrating from one country to another), and more intangible or abstract, such as re-negotiating gender.

    We know that childhood and adolescence are transitional states, which, for many, are often contradictory and difficult. Research shows that children and teenagers have a fluid and interdependent relationship with both the world around them and the technologies they are using (Rooney, 2012). The work of Turkle (2011) and latterly Sefton-Green and Livingstone (2017) highlights, for instance, that young people often turn to the online world as it has “intense individual meanings” (p. 245) for them, away from the school and the home. In this space then, new identities are constantly re-negotiated. As one study found, teenagers use selfies as tools for both confirming heteronormativity and for renegotiating and mocking gender norms (Forsman, 2017). In the ‘in between spaces’ of migrating youth then, social media is seen to play a vital role for maintaining social links with friends and families, and with new acquaintances in the receiving societies (Kutscher & Kress, 2018).

    For this special issue, we are seeking contributions which explore and map the ‘in between’ spaces children and youth negotiate in their everyday lived media experiences. We seek articles which research how (social) media and digital technology is used/deployed in these spaces, as tools of negotiation and transaction. For this special issue, we are interested in seeing how these relationships are influenced or changed because of social platforms and digital technologies.

    We would welcome expressions of interest from academics working in these fields, as well as practitioners and those who work with directly with children/childhood in these ‘in between spaces’ (e.g. those from NGO/charity sectors).

    Submissions may cover, but are not limited to, the following:

    • The transitioning of young people/youth through foster care;
    • Unaccompanied minor asylum-seekers and migrant youth settling in a new country;
    • Re-negotiating gender (including trans/non-binary transition);
    • Children and young people who are transitioning between being
    • home-schooled or from having been educated in isolated communities;
    • The negotiating of new identities, such as becoming step-son/daughter, step-brother/sister;
    • Transition from high school to university/labour market


    Please write a 300-word statement of the overall concept of your study, its thematic coherence and especially how it relates to the aims and scope of the call, carefully articulating the transition under discussion in a well-defined mediated ‘in between’ space. Please include your name, institutional affiliation and contact details. The deadline for sending in the proposals is the 15th of June 2019. The abstracts should be sent to both Dr. Annamária Neag ( and Dr. Richard Berger (

    A selection of authors will be invited to submit a full paper (from 6000-8000 words, including references) due on the 15th of October 2019.

    All submissions will be peer-reviewed, and the issue is scheduled for publication in November 2020.

    Please make sure to follow the Intellect Style Guide and requirements for images, graphs and tables available at

    All inquiries about this Call for Papers can be addressed to Dr. Annamária Neag ( and Dr. Richard Berger (

  • 30.05.2019 18:22 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    November 13-15, 2019

    University of Zurich

    Deadline: June 15, 2019

    Biannual Meeting of the Health Communication Temporary Working Group of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA)

    Annual Conference of the Health Communication Division of the German Communication Association (DGPuK)

    The Department of Communication and Media Research at the University of Zurich (IKMZ) is delighted to host the European Conference on Health Communication (ECHC) 2019 in Zurich, Switzerland, from 13 to 15 November 2019. The conference of the Health Communication Temporary Working Group of the ECREA and the Health Communication Division of the DGPuK has a thematic focus on social aspects of health communication. It will provide a platform for discussing the interrelations between health, health communication, media, and people’s social contexts on various levels and from diverse perspectives. With the aim to represent the full scope of current health communication research in Europe, the ECHC also welcomes research on further issues of health communication.

    Thematic panels on social aspects of health communication

    Health and health-related behaviors are embedded in social contexts in various ways, which comprise both risks and opportunitiesfor individual’s health. Communicable (i.e., infectious) diseases, such as HIV or influenza, are spread through social contacts between persons, and unfavorable health behaviors (e.g., alcohol and drug abuse) might be reinforced by social influence. On the other hand, social support can ease the coping with diseases in everyday life (e.g., diabetes, depression), and social norms may promote favorable health behaviors (e.g., doing sports or eating healthily). Since social aspects—such as social influence, support, and norms—unfold their effect through communication, they deserve special attention by health communication scholars to protect, maintain, and improve individual and public health.

    The conference aims to address the complexity of individuals’ social contexts and the full breadth of communication—ranging from interpersonal communication to mass media, online to offline, intended to unintended etc. It therefore calls for proposals analyzing the interrelations between social aspects, different forms of health-related communication, and health at the individual, interpersonal, and societal level.

    To illustrate the conference’s scope, exemplary questions and concepts are provided in the following.

    Please note that these examples are not intended to limit the range of possible submissions. Proposals that do not explicitly address the following aspects but refer to social aspects of health communication in other ways are very welcome.

    Individual level:

    • Which health behaviors are especially susceptible to social influence (e.g., private vs. public health behavior) and what role do different means of communication play in these contexts?
    • How are individual social-related characteristics, such as traits (e.g., need to belong), cognitions (e.g., perceived norms), and motives (e.g., need for social integration) associated with health behavior and health-related communication?
    • How are media messages elaborated that address social aspects of health behavior (e.g., social frames)?

    Interpersonal level:

    • Which relevance do different settings have for health communication (e.g., family, colleagues, self-help groups)?
    • Which role do different actors (e.g., doctors, patients, bystanders) and social roles (e.g., opinion leaders, influencers, followers) play in the context of health communication?
    •  How does health-related interpersonal communication differ depending on the channel and platform (e.g., face-to-face vs. mediated)?

    Societal level:

    •  Which sociocultural aspects (e.g., collectivistic vs. individualistic societies) and characteristics of the media system are relevant regarding health and health communication?
    • What kind of divides related to health communication exist in societies and what are their consequences (e.g., digital divides)?
    • How can societal inequalities and health-related stigmatization be addressed by health communication and what guidelines are helpful for journalists to ease these issues?

    The conference calls for basic research describing and explaining these aspects but also refers to applied research seeking to solve practical health communication issues. It is interested in theories, methods, and study designs that allow studying social aspects of health communication at different levels as well as the integration of various levels within a single approach.

    Open panels

    Besides submissions that address the thematic focus, the conference invites proposals presenting research on current issues of health communication. Especially welcome are contributions presenting a European perspective. This may include case studies from European countries, comparative studies, and Pan-European initiatives.

    Submission format

    The ECHC invites empirical—quantitative or qualitative—, methodological, as well as theoretical contributions. In the case of empirical submissions, data collection should be completed, and (at least preliminary) results should be reported in the submission.

    Proposals can be submitted as presentation and poster proposals. Both—presentation and posters proposals—should be submitted in the form of extended abstracts with a maximum length of 8.000 characters (incl. space characters, excl. references, tables and figures). Abstracts must be written in English and have to be submitted via the ECHC 2019 submission platform until 15 June 2019. The submission system will open on 30 April 2019.

    Please note that you will have to specify whether the submission is a proposal for the thematic or the open panel when submitting your abstract. Additionally, you will be asked to indicate whether the proposal is to be presented as a presentation or a poster in the case of acceptance, or whether both options are equally suitable for your proposal.

    All submissions will be reviewed in an anonymous review process on the basis of the following criteria.

    • Fit to the conference’s theme (when submitted to the thematic panels)
    • Contribution to health communication research and practice
    • Quality of literature review and theoretical foundations
    • Quality and appropriateness of the research methods or quality and appropriateness of arguments for propositions in a theory/review piece
    • Quality, clarity, and rigor of argumentation

    You will be informed about the acceptance of your submission by 31 August 2019.


    The ECHC 2019 will take place at the City Campus of the University of Zurich, located in the center of Zurich. Further information on the conference venues, accommodation possibilities, and the program will be announced on the ECHC 2019 website in due time.


    • Submission system opens: 30 April 2019
    • Submission deadline: 15 June 2019
    • Notification of acceptance: 31 August 2019
    • Registration deadline: 20 October 2019
    • Conference: 13 to 15 November 2019

    On behalf of the


    Doreen Reifegerste Doreen Reifegerste Sarah Geber

    Thomas N. Friemel Markus Schäfer Tobias Frey

    Julia C. M. van Weert Thomas N. Friemel

    Contact and links



  • 30.05.2019 18:16 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    University of Salzburg, Austria

    Deadline: June 5, 2019

    The University of Salzburg (Dept. of Communication) is now inviting applications from qualified candidates for a position as university assistant (Postdoc) according to § 26 Collective Agreement (Kollektivvertrag) in research and teaching according to UG 2002 and Employee Act (Angestelltengesetz).

    (Remuneration group: B1; € 3.803,90 (gross, 14×year)).

    Start of employment: October 1st, 2019

    Duration of employment: 6 years

    Weekly working hours: 40 by arrangement

    Job description: Independent scientific research and teaching, scientific support in research and teaching as well as participation in administrative tasks of the faculty, especially in the Department of Media Usage and Digital Cultures (Prof. Dr. Christine Lohmeier), independent teaching to the extent of 4 hours per week per semester.

    Key areas of work and research are:

    • Media usage and media appropriation processes;
    • Challenges of media usage in times of AI and datafication;
    • Processes of digital, social and cultural change;
    • Qualitative and ethnographic survey methods and their further development and combination e.g. with digital methods.

    Applicants are expected to independently apply for external funding and to independently conduct research and teaching in the department’s main areas of expertise, as well as to publish in journals and present at and co-organise (international) conferences. Furthermore, publications in journals in English and German are expected, as well as participation in national and international conferences.

    The successful candidate has the opportunity to complete a Habilitation. Upon completing this qualification within the contract period, the temporary employment will be changed into a permanent position.

    Offer Requirements/Skills/Qualifications

    Employment conditions: Doctorate in social science, communication studies or a related discipline and (at least partly) published dissertation; notable scientific reputation, proven in particular by relevant publications and presentations; teaching experience.

    Desired additional qualifications: Strong involvement in the international scientific community (presentation activities, organization of conferences and research-related events, reviewing activities), ability to teach courses and examinations in English (higher level).

    Desired personal qualities: highly motivated, ability to work in a team and great enthusiasm for all areas of academic work, excellent communication skills and experience in conducting and managing research projects (national and international).

    Please submit your application electronically including the usual documents to:

    a) Document your activities and achievements in research;

    b) Present your experiences in teaching (and possibly in training junior researchers);

    c) Present concepts for future research and teaching to contribute to the scientific profile of the department;

    d) Reflect on your contribution to knowledge transfer and research management;

    e) Provide evidence of your social competences and other skills.

    Further information will be provided via Tel. +43/662/8044-4152 or email

    Application deadline: 05 June 2019

    Please send your application with reference “GZ A 0084/1-2019” to

  • 30.05.2019 18:11 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Loughborough University, UK

    Project “Broadcasting before Broadcasting: A Comparative Approach to the History of the Electrophone, 1894-1938”

    This AHRC-funded PhD studentship aims to develop the first comprehensive study of the Electrophone, a telephone broadcasting system that operated in the United Kingdom between 1894 and around 1938. The selected student will be assisted by an international team of supervisors and work in collaboration with a private partner, BT Archives.

    Project details – Much before the emergence of radio, television and online broadcasting services, telephonic systems brought information, education, and entertainment into the home through telephone lines. One such system was the Electrophone, which operated in the United Kingdom between 1894 and around 1938. This system has been considered sporadically in the scientific literature (e.g. Povey & Earl, 1988; Briggs, 1977), and this project aims to develop the first comprehensive study of the Electrophone. The project will combine historical methods based on archival research with hands-on approaches in media archaeology and museum studies. Although similar systems have been extensively studied elsewhere in Europe, e.g. France (Bertho, 1981) and Italy (Balbi, 2010), the Electrophone is a neglected area in the history of broadcasting in the UK. The project will provide an early example of the convergence of telecommunications and media to integrate services, content offerings, and means of communication under one core technology. The Electrophone, in fact, can be regarded as an early example of media convergence and, especially, of convergence between telecommunications (the telephone) and mass media (newspapers).

    Supervisors – The selected PhD student will work with an international team of supervisors composed of Dr Simone Natale, a Lecturer in Communication and Media Studies at Loughborough University; Prof. Gabriele Balbi, an Associate Professor at USI Università della Svizzera italiana, Switzerland; David Hay, Head of Heritage & Archives at BT Group; and James Elder, Archive Manager at BT.

    Entry requirements – Applicants should have, or expect to achieve, at least a 2:1 Honours degree (or equivalent) in Communication and Media Studies or History or a related subject. A relevant Master’s degree and/or experience in one or more of the following will be an advantage: historical research; archival research.

    Funding information – The studentship is for 3 years and provides a tax-free stipend of £15,009 per annum for the duration of the studentship plus tuition fees at the UK/EU rate. EU citizens who do not meet the UK residency requirement are eligible for tuition fees only.

    How to apply – Applications should be made online at Under programme name, select Communication, Media, Social and Policy Studies. Please quote reference: SS-BBBOct19. Applicants should include in their application a letter covering their career trajectory and motivation for this working in the project, a CV, a proposal (max 2 pages) which should detail their plans to develop the studentship’s research project.

    Deadline for application: 28 June 2019

    Start date of studentship: 1 October 2019

    Contact details: Dr Simone Natale,

    For more information see:




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